vuls-, vell-
(Latin: to pull, pulling; to tear, tearing, tearing away; to twitch, twitching)
convulsive shock therapy, electroconvulsive shock therapy, ECT, electroshock therapy (s) (noun); convulsive shock therapies, electroconvulsive shock therapies, ECTs, electroshock therapies (pl)
A treatment in which convulsions are induced by passing a low-voltage alternating electric current through the brain.
The use of such a technique is used in psychology, or psychiatry, to treat severe psychiatric disorders.
A disorder of the facial nerve, causing involuntary spasmodic contractions of the facial muscles supplied by that nerve.
convulsively (adverb), more convulsively, most convulsively
Descriptive of violent shaking or agitation.
A reference to a physical condition that takes place suddenly and violently.
devellicate (verb), devellicates; devellicated; devellicating
1. To pull into pieces.
2. To detach, to rip apart.
2. To detach, to rip apart.
1. Separation or pulling apart by force.
2. The forcible dilation of the walls of a cavity or canal.
2. The forcible dilation of the walls of a cavity or canal.
electroconvulsive (adjective) (not comparative)
1. Having to do with convulsions produced by an electroshock.
2. Referring to a convulsive response to an electrical stimulation.
2. Referring to a convulsive response to an electrical stimulation.
electroconvulsive therapy management (s) (noun)
A nursing intervention from the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) defined as assisting with the safe and efficient provision of electroconvulsive therapy in the treatment of psychiatric illness.
electroconvulsive therapy, electroconvulsive treatment, ECT (s); electroconvulsive therapies, electroconvulsive treatments, ECTs (pl) (nouns)
1. The induction of a brief convulsion by passing an electric current through the brain for the treatment of affective disorders; especially, in patients resistant to psychoactive-drug therapy.
2. The use of an electric shock to produce convulsions.
3. The use of controlled, measured doses of electric shock to induce convulsions.
Electroconvulsive therapy is primarily used when rapid definitive response is required for either medical or psychiatric reasons; such as, for a patient who is extremely suicidal and when the risks of other treatments outweigh the risk of ECT.
There is a use for this type of treatment with specific types of mental illness; especially, if acute depression and suicidal intentions are present.
Such convulsions can sometimes treat clinical depressions which can not be treated with medication.
A brief seizure, lasting less than fifteen minutes, seen in a neurologically normal infant or young child, associated with fever.
hysteric convulsion, hysteroid convulsion (s) (noun); hysteric convulsions, hysteroid convulsions (pl)
Convulsions resulting from conversion disorder (for which hysteria is an older form).
Sudden, violent movements, of the body that start soon after a severe injury: "Immediate post-traumatic convulsions result right after certain anxiety disorders have developed after exposures to some terrifying events or ordeals in which serious physical injuries have occurred."
A facial muscle spasm.
1. A sudden violent feeling of disgust: Lynn felt complete revulsion when green beans were put on her plate because she absolutely hated them!
2. A strong pulling or drawing back; withdrawal: Tina reacted with revulsion when the war movie came on TV because she abhorred such films and so she went to a different channel for something more pleasant!
3. A sudden reaction; a complete change; which is applied to one's feelings: Mark felt a sensation of revulsion when he was called in to identify his brother who had just died in a car accident.
4. The act of turning or diverting any disease from one part of the body to another area: By applying heat or an ointment to her hands, which irritated her skin, a revulsion took place that counteracted the original discomfort or pain in her wrists.
2. A strong pulling or drawing back; withdrawal: Tina reacted with revulsion when the war movie came on TV because she abhorred such films and so she went to a different channel for something more pleasant!
3. A sudden reaction; a complete change; which is applied to one's feelings: Mark felt a sensation of revulsion when he was called in to identify his brother who had just died in a car accident.
4. The act of turning or diverting any disease from one part of the body to another area: By applying heat or an ointment to her hands, which irritated her skin, a revulsion took place that counteracted the original discomfort or pain in her wrists.
An agent causing revulsion or a strong pulling or drawing back; a withdrawal; as a counter irritant or any substance that causes inflammation following an immediate, prolonged, or repeated contact with skin or mucous membranes.