vot-; vov-; vow
(Latin: affirm, wish, commit; to promise solemnly, to pledge, to give earnestly)
avow (verb), avows; avowed; avowing
1. To admit openly and bluntly: Shirley avowed that she was innocent of the accusations made by her coworker.
2. To declare or to affirm solemnly and formally as true: At the end of most wedding ceremonies, couples make their promises in which they avow their commitment to each other.
3. To acknowledge openly, boldly, and unashamedly: In the short story that Jim was reading, the knight avowed to kill the dragon and to save the princess!
4. Etymology: from Latin, vocare, "to call". From Old French avouer, "acknowledge, accept"; especially, as a protector, from Latin advocare.
2. To declare or to affirm solemnly and formally as true: At the end of most wedding ceremonies, couples make their promises in which they avow their commitment to each other.
3. To acknowledge openly, boldly, and unashamedly: In the short story that Jim was reading, the knight avowed to kill the dragon and to save the princess!
4. Etymology: from Latin, vocare, "to call". From Old French avouer, "acknowledge, accept"; especially, as a protector, from Latin advocare.
avowable (adjective), more avowable, most avowable
Relating to something that is openly expressed and free from doubt: Mark's avowable statements clarified his political position at the conference.
The situation or quality of being openly confirmed with confidence: The avowableness of Lenora's statements were considered to be valid and acceptable by her supervisor.
1. A statement asserting the existence or the truth of something: The couple exchanged avowals of their love for each other.
2. A frank admission or statement that something actually did or did not happen: Jake's avowal that he didn't do anything wrong was proven to be untrue.
2. A frank admission or statement that something actually did or did not happen: Jake's avowal that he didn't do anything wrong was proven to be untrue.
avowedly (adverb), more avowedly, most avowedly
Referring to how something is openly declared or confirmed: Carl admitted that he has an avowedly simple lifestyle.
The candidate for the office of mayor is avowedly conservative in her political beliefs.
The state, or fact, of being positively stated: Jeffrey's avowedness was supported by his good behavior and other related actions that proved that he was honest.
1. A person who promises to honestly and resolutely do something: Both the bride and the groom are avowers in that they pledge love and faith to one another through good and difficult times throughout their lives.
2. Someone who is recognized for his or her integrity and who speaks honestly: Tom was a very respected avower by his classmates because he always stood up for the truth no matter who was involved in the controversy or problem at the time.
2. Someone who is recognized for his or her integrity and who speaks honestly: Tom was a very respected avower by his classmates because he always stood up for the truth no matter who was involved in the controversy or problem at the time.
The recognition and justification of taking things by a defendant in an action or a legal act, or writ, to recover goods by someone who claims to own them and who promises to have the claim tested later in court.
Someone who is zealously interested in something special; an enthusiast: Mark is a devotee of hiking in the forests.

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