vid-, video-, vis-, -vision, -visional, -visionally, visuo-, vu-
(Latin: videre, "to see"; plus words with other related meanings: to notice, noticing, noticed; observe, observing, observed; look, looking, looked; perceive, perceiving, perceived, perception; see, seeing, saw, seen, sight; view, viewing, viewed; manifest, manifesting, manifested; reveal, revealing, revealed, revelelation)
Although many of the words in this unit seem to be from other Latin origins, all of them are etymologically derived from the main Latin videre, "to see" element.
1. Containing a proviso; that is, conditional and not permanent.
2. Provided or serving only for the time being; temporary.
2. Provided or serving only for the time being; temporary.
1. Careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment: Margaret seems to be able to exercise prudence with her finances by making sure that she has enough money for any unexpected monetary needs!
2. Having good sense in dealing with practical matters: Pioneer women in North America had to use prudence when managing their households.
3. Using good judgment to consider likely consequences and to act accordingly: Before leaving on an extensive safari, Adam exerted his prudence and consulted with the infectious disease clinic to be sure he had all the immunizations he would need.
4. Careful in managing resources so as to provide for the future: Ecologists are very concerned about the lack of prudence by previous generations which have resulted in such severe environmental conditions; including, climate change, rising tides, etc.
5. Etymology: "wisdom to see what is virtuous" or "what is suitable or profitable", from Old French prudence (13th century); from Latin prudentia, "foresight, sagacity"; a contraction of providentia, "foresight"; from Latin providere, "to look ahead, to prepare, to supply"; from pro-, "ahead" + videre, "to see".

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2. Having good sense in dealing with practical matters: Pioneer women in North America had to use prudence when managing their households.
3. Using good judgment to consider likely consequences and to act accordingly: Before leaving on an extensive safari, Adam exerted his prudence and consulted with the infectious disease clinic to be sure he had all the immunizations he would need.
4. Careful in managing resources so as to provide for the future: Ecologists are very concerned about the lack of prudence by previous generations which have resulted in such severe environmental conditions; including, climate change, rising tides, etc.
5. Etymology: "wisdom to see what is virtuous" or "what is suitable or profitable", from Old French prudence (13th century); from Latin prudentia, "foresight, sagacity"; a contraction of providentia, "foresight"; from Latin providere, "to look ahead, to prepare, to supply"; from pro-, "ahead" + videre, "to see".

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prudent (adjective), more prudent, most prudent
1. A reference to having good sense in dealing with issues.
2. Relating to using good judgment in order to consider the possible consequences of doing something and to act accordingly.
3. Pertaining to managing resources so as to provide for the future.
4. Etymology: directly or via French from Latin prudent-, a contraction of provident-; present participle of providere, "to prepare in advance, to supply"; literally, "to see ahead", from videre, "to see".
2. Relating to using good judgment in order to consider the possible consequences of doing something and to act accordingly.
3. Pertaining to managing resources so as to provide for the future.
4. Etymology: directly or via French from Latin prudent-, a contraction of provident-; present participle of providere, "to prepare in advance, to supply"; literally, "to see ahead", from videre, "to see".
Prudenter et constanter.
Prudently and steadfastly.
Resulting from, depending on, or marked by prudence; that is, sound judgment or common sense; especially, in business.
1. A moral principle based on precautionary principles in order to avoid a particular negative effect.
2. Having discretionary or advisory authority, as in business matters.
2. Having discretionary or advisory authority, as in business matters.
1. Someone who is governed by, or who acts from cautious motives when determining any action or line of conduct.
2. A reference to a person who is careful of the consequences of the actions that may result when he or she makes a decision to do something.
2. A reference to a person who is careful of the consequences of the actions that may result when he or she makes a decision to do something.
Wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense; discreetly, cautiously, circumspectly.
pseudoscopic vision
Reversed depth perception, as seen with a stereoscope which transposes the images seen by two eyes.
A reference to psychological factors associated with vision; such as, the emotive connotations of particular colors, and to the center in the brain associated with such processes.
1. To provide or to supply foods, goods, and services; especially, as a business.
2. To publish or to pass on news or information; for example, gossip, scandal, or other kinds of information that people generally feel should not be circulated.
2. To publish or to pass on news or information; for example, gossip, scandal, or other kinds of information that people generally feel should not be circulated.
1. Supplying something, especially food.
2. To prepare to do something in advance or to do something; to plan, to make provision before hand.
2. To prepare to do something in advance or to do something; to plan, to make provision before hand.
1. A person, or a company that supplies goods or products; especially, food: The local restaurant is a popular purveyor of quality meals.
2. Someone who, or a business that, sells or provides something for sale: Mark's friend is a purveyor of kitchen supplies.
4. Etymology: from about 1290, from Old French porveoir, "to provide"; which came from Latin providere, "to look ahead, to prepare, to supply"; from pro-, "ahead" + videre, "to see".

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2. Someone who, or a business that, sells or provides something for sale: Mark's friend is a purveyor of kitchen supplies.
Pete's company is a purveyor of a new style of watch that not only functions as a means of keeping time, but also provides a means of talking on a cell phone.
3. A supplier, seller, or circulator of something; especially, anything that is disapproved of or ridiculed: The politician was accused of being a purveyor of false promises of lower income taxes.4. Etymology: from about 1290, from Old French porveoir, "to provide"; which came from Latin providere, "to look ahead, to prepare, to supply"; from pro-, "ahead" + videre, "to see".

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1. The extent or range of a function, power, or competence; amount of comprehension or experience: Sally said that working with the computer program is beyond the purview of her understanding.
2. The magnitude of something; such as, a court's jurisdiction or someone's knowledge: The criminal case is within the purview of the local legal authority.
3. Etymology: "body of a statute," from Anglo-French purveuest, "it is provided", or purveu que, "provided that", clauses that introduced statutes in old legal documents, from Old French porveu, "provided"; past participle of porveoir, "to provide" from Latin providere, from pro-, "ahead" + videre, "to see".

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2. The magnitude of something; such as, a court's jurisdiction or someone's knowledge: The criminal case is within the purview of the local legal authority.
3. Etymology: "body of a statute," from Anglo-French purveuest, "it is provided", or purveu que, "provided that", clauses that introduced statutes in old legal documents, from Old French porveu, "provided"; past participle of porveoir, "to provide" from Latin providere, from pro-, "ahead" + videre, "to see".

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Quidquid agas prudenter agas.
Whatever you do, do with caution.
The full proverb is Quidquid agas prudenter agas et respice finem and is translated as "Whatever you do, do with caution, and look to the end."
A shorter version using, Respice finem, is translated as, "Look before you leap."