vibro-, vibr-
(Latin: to quiver, to oscillate, to shake, to move; motion)
evibrate (verb), evibrates; evibrated; evibrating
To rapidly move or to oscillate from side to side and/or up and down.
revibrate (verb), revibrates; revibrated; revibrating
To rapidly move back and forth again, or over and over again.
That which is full of enthusiasm and energy.
vibrant (adjective), more vibrant, most vibrant
1. Pulsing or throbbing with energy or activity: David told his friend about the vibrant streets of the big city which he had recently visited in Europe.
2. Vigorous, lively, and vital: Marie had a vibrant personality and you could see it in the sparkle of her eyes.
3. Exhibiting or characterized by rapid, rhythmic movement back and forth or to and fro: The trees seemed vibrant as their branches were rapidly moving around in the wind.
4. Spirited, dynamic, and resonant: The student chorus sang their songs with vibrant and enthusiastic voices.

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2. Vigorous, lively, and vital: Marie had a vibrant personality and you could see it in the sparkle of her eyes.
3. Exhibiting or characterized by rapid, rhythmic movement back and forth or to and fro: The trees seemed vibrant as their branches were rapidly moving around in the wind.
4. Spirited, dynamic, and resonant: The student chorus sang their songs with vibrant and enthusiastic voices.
The male singer had a deep, powerful, and vibrant voice when he sang his solos.
5. Relatively high on the scale of brightness: The colors of the painting had a vibrant hue.
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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
vibrantly (adverb), more vibrantly, most vibrantly
In a vigorous and lively manner: "The chief executive officer spoke to his staff in a vibrantly exciting way as he told them how much better the company had prospered during the last year."
A percussion instrument consisting of a series of metal bars, arranged as in a xylophone, and characterized by the vibrato that can be given to the notes, an effect produced either by electrically rotated vanes in the tube resonators under the bars or electronically.
vibrate (verb), vibrates; vibrated; vibrating
1. To move rhythmically and steadily to and fro, as a pendulum; to oscillate.
2. To move to and fro or up and down quickly and repeatedly; to quiver; to tremble.
3. With reference to sounds, to produce or have a quivering or vibratory effect; to resound.
4. To thrill, as with an emotional response.
5. To move between alternatives or extremes; to fluctuate; to vacillate.
2. To move to and fro or up and down quickly and repeatedly; to quiver; to tremble.
3. With reference to sounds, to produce or have a quivering or vibratory effect; to resound.
4. To thrill, as with an emotional response.
5. To move between alternatives or extremes; to fluctuate; to vacillate.
1. Characterized by vibration.
2. Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion.
2. Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion.
1. The quality or state of being vibratile.
2. A disposition to vibration or oscillation.
2. A disposition to vibration or oscillation.
vibration, vibrational
1. The act of vibrating, or the state of being vibrated, or in vibratory motion; quick motion to and fro; oscillation, as of a pendulum or musical string.
2. A limited reciprocating motion of a particle of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from its position of equilibrium, when that equilibrium has been disturbed, as when a stretched cord or other body produces musical notes, or particles of air transmit sounds to the ear.
5. Often, vibrations; informal: A general emotional feeling one has from another person or a place, situation, etc.: "I usually get good vibrations when I am around her."
2. A limited reciprocating motion of a particle of an elastic body or medium in alternately opposite directions from its position of equilibrium, when that equilibrium has been disturbed, as when a stretched cord or other body produces musical notes, or particles of air transmit sounds to the ear.
The path of the particle may be in a straight line, in a circular arc, or in any curve whatever.
3. Vibration and oscillation are both used, in mechanics, of the swinging, or rising and falling, motion of a suspended or balanced body; the latter term more appropriately, as signifying such motion produced by gravity, and of any degree of slowness, while the former applies especially to the quick, short motion to and fro which results from elasticity, or the action of molecular forces among the particles of a body when disturbed from their position of rest, as in a spring.Amplitude of vibration, the maximum displacement of a vibrating particle or body from its position of rest. Phase of vibration, any part of the path described by a particle or body in making a complete vibration, in distinction from other parts, as while moving from one extreme to the other, or on one side of the line of rest, in distinction from the opposite.
4. A supernatural emanation, bearing good or ill, that is sensed by or revealed to those attuned to the occult.5. Often, vibrations; informal: A general emotional feeling one has from another person or a place, situation, etc.: "I usually get good vibrations when I am around her."
A distinctive emotional aura experienced instinctively; such as, "That place gave me bad vibrations."
In music, a trembling or pulsating effect caused by rapid but minute variations in pitch during the production of a tone.
The part of a mechanical vibrator that is applied directly to the patient.
1. Consisting in, or causing, vibration, or oscillation; vibrating; as, a vibratory motion; a vibratory power.
2. Relating to or causing vibrations.
2. Relating to or causing vibrations.
1. A stiff hair or the stiff sinous hairs within the nostrils at the front part of the nares or snouts of many creatures: "The whiskers of cats are known as vibrissae."
2. Etymology: from Late Latin vibrissae, "nostril hairs"; from vibrare, "to vibrate" or "to move quickly" because touching them tickles."
2. Etymology: from Late Latin vibrissae, "nostril hairs"; from vibrare, "to vibrate" or "to move quickly" because touching them tickles."
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