via- [-vey, -voy-]
(Latin: way, road, path)
deviative (adjective), more deviative, most deviative
devious (adjective), more devious, most devious
1. Not sincere and honest about one's intentions: The police told the young man to be absolutely truthful and law-abiding and to avoid any devious answers to their questions during the investigation.
2. Referring to something which does not adhere to the proper procedures or standards of behavior: Alice heard that her friend used devious means to get the answers to the test in biology ahead of time.
3. Characteristic of something which is rambling or is roundabout; usually, that which changes directions many times: Because of an accident on the major highway, James had to go home by a devious route.
4. Etymology: from Latin devius, "out of the way"; derived from de, "from" + via, "way".

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2. Referring to something which does not adhere to the proper procedures or standards of behavior: Alice heard that her friend used devious means to get the answers to the test in biology ahead of time.
3. Characteristic of something which is rambling or is roundabout; usually, that which changes directions many times: Because of an accident on the major highway, James had to go home by a devious route.
4. Etymology: from Latin devius, "out of the way"; derived from de, "from" + via, "way".

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deviously (adverb), more deviously, most deviously
impervious (adjective), more impervious, most impervious
1. Pertaining to something which does not allow passage or entrance; impenetrable: Jerry wore his new jacket which was supposed to be impervious to wind, rain, or snow and to keep him dry and warm.
2. Referring to something which or someone who is not capable of being disturbed, damaged, or harmed: Doug was so sure of himself that no one was able to mention the flaws in his undertaking and he seemed to be impervious to any criticism from anyone.
3. Etymology: from Latinimpervius, "that which cannot be passed through"; from in-, "not, opposite of" + pervius, "letting things through"; from per, "through" + via, "road, way".

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2. Referring to something which or someone who is not capable of being disturbed, damaged, or harmed: Doug was so sure of himself that no one was able to mention the flaws in his undertaking and he seemed to be impervious to any criticism from anyone.
3. Etymology: from Latin

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imperviously (adverb), more imperviously, most imperviously
Etymology: from Latin inviare "to send on one's way"; from Latin in, "on" + via, "road".
invoice (verb), invoices; invoiced; invoicing
obviate (verb), obviates; obviated; obviating
1. To anticipate and to prevent or to eliminate difficulties, disadvantages, etc. by effective means: Because Joe and his family were going on their vacation the following day, he decided to obviate the possibility of running out of gas by going to the station and getting as much fuel as possible for his car before leaving.
2. To render unnecessary: to eliminate the risk of serious injury: Jack decided to obviate the problem of a plague of insects in his kitchen by keeping it as clean as possible!

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2. To render unnecessary: to eliminate the risk of serious injury: Jack decided to obviate the problem of a plague of insects in his kitchen by keeping it as clean as possible!

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obvious (adjective), more obvious, most obvious
1. Easily perceived or understood.
2. Eeasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.
2. Eeasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.
obviously (adverb), more obviously, most obviously
Descriptive of something that is easy to see, to understand, or to recognize: Mary obviously enjoys the kind of work that she does.
Samuel is obviously not the sales woman's real name.