vesti-, vest-
(Latin: covering for the body, clothes)
A secret fetish for women's underwear: Randy's cryptovestiphilia revealed an abnormally obsessive preoccupation or interest regarding the underwear of women.
divest (verb), divests; divested; divesting
1. To deprive someone of status or authority: "Robin was divested of his rights and his title as head of the company."
2. To strip off clothes: "Simon divested himself of his street clothes before going swimming in the ocean."
3. To dispose of or to sell an investment, a subsidiary company, or stocks: "In order to raise some money quickly, Gwen divested herself of some of her shares in the corporation."
2. To strip off clothes: "Simon divested himself of his street clothes before going swimming in the ocean."
3. To dispose of or to sell an investment, a subsidiary company, or stocks: "In order to raise some money quickly, Gwen divested herself of some of her shares in the corporation."
"When anyone divests anything, it means that he or she is getting rid of it."
divestible (adjective)
1. A reference to striping off one's clothes.
2. The deprivation or dispossessing of something.
2. The deprivation or dispossessing of something.
divestitive (adjective)
1. The liquidation, spinoff, or sale of a corporate division or subsidiary.
2. A complete asset or investment disposal; such as, an outright sale or converting assets into cash.
2. A complete asset or investment disposal; such as, an outright sale or converting assets into cash.
The process of selling shares or assets or of getting money back that has been invested: "Elsa made a divestment of the stocks that she bought before because she needed the money to repair the damage to her home as a result of the storm."
invest (verb), invests; invested; investing
1. To use money or capital in order to gain a financial return or to earn more money: "Dominic made a fortune by investing in real estate while there was still a demand for homes."
2. To spend or to devote time and energy for a future benefit or advantage: "John has invested a great deal of time, money, and effort on his on-line dictionary so users can have a better source of vocabulary information."
3. To spend money on building or improving a situation: "The city is investing millions of dollars in new schools for its growing population."
5. To clothe and to adorn: "The prince and his princess were invested in royal garments."
6. Etymology: "to clothe in the official robes of an office"; from Latin investire, "to clothe in, to cover, to surround"; from in-, "in, into" + vestire, "to dress, to clothe."
2. To spend or to devote time and energy for a future benefit or advantage: "John has invested a great deal of time, money, and effort on his on-line dictionary so users can have a better source of vocabulary information."
3. To spend money on building or improving a situation: "The city is investing millions of dollars in new schools for its growing population."
"More communities need to invest more time and finances in educating their children."
4. To endow or to provide someone or something with authority or power to achieve an objectives: "The new leader of the country claimed to be invested with power by the people to achieve their desired living conditions."5. To clothe and to adorn: "The prince and his princess were invested in royal garments."
6. Etymology: "to clothe in the official robes of an office"; from Latin investire, "to clothe in, to cover, to surround"; from in-, "in, into" + vestire, "to dress, to clothe."
investable (adjective), more investable, most investable
Capable of placing or committing money in order to gain a monetary return or profit: Mr. Money, the financial advisor, suggested a certain investable insurance plan that would yield proceeds at regular intervals.
investitive (adjective)
1. A formal ceremony of conferring an authority and the symbols of a high office.
2. The ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office.
3. The formal promotion of a person to an office or rank.
2. The ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office.
3. The formal promotion of a person to an office or rank.
1. The formal promotion of a person to an office or rank.
2. The act of putting on robes or vestments.
3. Money that is invested with an expectation of making a profit: "Marcos made an investment with the expectation of making a profit."
2. The act of putting on robes or vestments.
3. Money that is invested with an expectation of making a profit: "Marcos made an investment with the expectation of making a profit."
A reference to a desire or fondness for women's black undergarments.
A person; especially, a male, who wears the clothing and adopts the mannerisms of the opposite sex: "Transvestite includes the prefix trans-, 'across' and so it literally means cross-dresser."
"In the theater, from ancient Greece to Elizabethan England, transvestites were common in dramas because all of the acting parts were played by men; even Juliet."
1. A false or exaggerated representation of something; a farce, a ludicrous imitation, or a mockery: The comedian's travesty of a senator making a speech was very funny.
2. Something that is shocking, upsetting, or ridiculous because it is not what it is supposed to be: Bertha thought it was a travesty and a tragedy that so many people are denied the right to vote.
4. Etymology: meaning "dressed so as to be made ridiculous or burlesqued (make funny or joke about)", from French travesti, "dressed in disguise", from travestir, "to disguise", from Italian travestire, "to disguise," from Latin trans-, "over" + vestire, "to clothe".

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2. Something that is shocking, upsetting, or ridiculous because it is not what it is supposed to be: Bertha thought it was a travesty and a tragedy that so many people are denied the right to vote.
The investigation into what caused the accident was so poorly done that it turned into a travesty.
3. A court case that makes a mockery of the legal system: The entire courtroom trial was a travesty of justice.4. Etymology: meaning "dressed so as to be made ridiculous or burlesqued (make funny or joke about)", from French travesti, "dressed in disguise", from travestir, "to disguise", from Italian travestire, "to disguise," from Latin trans-, "over" + vestire, "to clothe".
"Why is there a vest in travesty? Because it comes from Italian travestirse, "to dress up in another person's clothes or vestments; especially, to present a comical imitation or a parody."

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