veri-, ver-
(Latin: true, truth, real, truthfulness)
The motto of the University of Michigan, USA.
During the trial, the witness averred that he had seen the accused person at the scene of the crime.

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Motto of Marycrest College, Davenport, Iowa, USA.
Motto of Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois, USA.
Motto of Colgate University, Hamilton, New York, USA.
Motto seen over the entrance to St. Steven's Basilica in Budapest, Hungary.
Motto of Salmon P. Chase College of Law of Northtern Kentucky University, Covington, Kentucky, USA.
Motto of Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
When a person is intoxicated, he/she utters many things which at other times would be concealed or disguised.
Motto of Indiana Northern Graduate School of Professional Management, USA.
2. An untrue statement or declaration; falsehood: The inveracity of saying that he didn't throw a rock through the car window, although he did, was so audacious and impudent that his parents had him stay in his room the rest of the day.
Yale University seal motto, New Haven, Connecticut, USA; and also the motto of Waldorf College, Forest City, Iowa, USA.