-ate (office of)
(Latin: a suffix; office of, office holder)
The rank or office of a senior Roman Catholic prelate: Lana's uncle was a cardinalate or a member of the College of Cardinals.
The political office or period of office of a consul, or the jurisdiction of a consul.
delegate (DEL uh gayt") (verb), delegates; delegated; delegating
1. To speak and to act for others; to represent: Every state will delegate a representative to go to the political convention.
2. To entrust an authority, rights, etc. to a person acting as one’s agent or representative; to entrust, to assign, to commit to the care of: Sharon's cousin delegated her legal powers to her son.

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2. To entrust an authority, rights, etc. to a person acting as one’s agent or representative; to entrust, to assign, to commit to the care of: Sharon's cousin delegated her legal powers to her son.

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The position of deacon or deaconess, or the term of office of a deacon or deaconess.
The office or position of the executive assigned to a department: A board, or directorate, of professional financiers, or investors, are going to be in charge of the management of a new bank in Eddie's town.
The rank or office of an emir.
The office, position, or a term of office of a bishop.
pontificate (pahn TIF i kayt") (verb), pontificates; pontificated; pontificating
1. To talk about something in an all-knowing and self-important way even when the speaker is not qualified to express such information: Jane’s friend tended to pontificate about health issues, telling other people what they should do in order to stay healthy despite the fact she was sick quite often.

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Jane's daughter, who was fifteen, pontificated with her friends in her high school about the best way to raise children.
2. Etymology: from Latin pontificare, "to speak or to behave as if the person knows everything" from pons, "bridge" + facere "to make."

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1. The station or place of work of an elder in a church: The office of the presbyterate was open for members of the congregation from Monday to Friday.
2. An order or a group of church officials: The presbyterate decided to convene at least once a week to discuss the issues involving the place of worship.
2. An order or a group of church officials: The presbyterate decided to convene at least once a week to discuss the issues involving the place of worship.
The rank, position, or period of service of a teacher or instructor in a university or college.
The officials or office entrusted with administrative duties, maintaining records, and overseeing or performing secretarial duties; especially, for an international organization; such as, the secretariat of the United Nations: "He was a United Nations secretariat."
1. The authority or office of a vicar.
2. The district under a vicar's jurisdiction.
2. The district under a vicar's jurisdiction.
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