vapori-, vapor-, vapo-
(Latin: steam, mist, very small drops of water)
The process of capturing chemical fumes; especially, for the purpose of reducing pollution: "Attempts at vapor recovery is being made with the gasoline vapor that is generated by the fueling of vehicles at gas stations."
A special gas pump spout that reduces the release of gasoline fumes into the air when vehicles are being refueled at a gas station.
A barrier applied to a surface to prevent moisture from migrating into, or out, of a given space: "A vapor seal is a moisture-impervious layer; such as, plastic film, vinyl, or vapor-retardant paint."
vapor-dominated, vapor dominated (adjective); more vapor-dominated; most vapor-dominated
A description of a high-temperature hydrothermal system in which mixed water and steam exist, and steam is the pressure-controlling fluid phase: "Vapor-dominated systems; such as, "The Geysers" in northern California, are relatively rare but have high heat content and are well suited for the production of electrical power; while the more common liquid-dominated systems have lower heat content and are suited for direct heat uses."
A steam bath, or similar installation, in which a patient is exposed to steam treatment or therapy.
1. The rapid change of water into steam; especially, in a boiler.
2. A solid or liquid that has been changed into a moisture or steam.
3. To destroy by, or as if by, converting something into particles: "The vaporization of the building was cased by a bomb."
2. A solid or liquid that has been changed into a moisture or steam.
3. To destroy by, or as if by, converting something into particles: "The vaporization of the building was cased by a bomb."
vaporize (verb), vaporizes; vaporized; vaporizing
To convert or be converted into a gaseous substance.
A device for producing a moisture, as for anesthesia, therapeutic inhalation, or disinfection.
vaporous (adjective), more vaporous, most vaporous
1. Consisting of, referring to, or producing moisture in the air: There was a thick vaporous fog covering the valley which made driving difficult.
2. Lacking material existence or permanence: The ghost that appeared to Martin on Halloween, which is a celebration of mystery, ghosts, etc., had a green and vaporous appearance as it floated across the parking lot.
3. Of a fanciful, a ridiculous, or an implausible nature: Helen's vaporous personality was charming most of the time; however, sometimes it was difficult for her husband to determine when she was really being serious.

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2. Lacking material existence or permanence: The ghost that appeared to Martin on Halloween, which is a celebration of mystery, ghosts, etc., had a green and vaporous appearance as it floated across the parking lot.
3. Of a fanciful, a ridiculous, or an implausible nature: Helen's vaporous personality was charming most of the time; however, sometimes it was difficult for her husband to determine when she was really being serious.

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In medicine, a very thin layer of material, usually transparent, through which oxygen and liquid can pass: "Vapor-permeable membranes may be prepared with an adhesive backing that will stick only to dry skin. This type of vapor-permeable membrane has been used in treating wounds."
A vapor-permeable membrane must be applied properly without wrinkles and changed as often as necessary to prevent an excess accumulation of fluid and bacteria under it.
A treatment that uses an aerosol or mist, either of simple moisture or containing medicinal substances.
vaporthorax (noun); vaporthoraxes, vaporthoraces (pl)
1. The presence of water in the pleural space (between the neck and the diaphragm), occurring at high altitudes in people who are not in a pressurized situation.
2. The existence of large water-bubbles in the pleural space, between the lungs and the chest wall, in an unprotected person who is exposed to altitudes above 63,000 feet.
2. The existence of large water-bubbles in the pleural space, between the lungs and the chest wall, in an unprotected person who is exposed to altitudes above 63,000 feet.