valid-, val-, vale-, -vail, -valent, -valence
(Latin: valere, to be strong, to be well, to be worth; strong; power, strength; and "fare well" [go with strength])
A condition of being sexually impotent with one's own wife but potent with other women. (See uxorovalence for the opposite condition).
Sexually impotent with one's wife while being potent with other women.
A condition of being sexually potent only with one's own wife but not with other women.
Vale. (WAH lay) (s)
Farewell; Goodbye.
Used when addressing one person. Also see Valete (plural) and Ave atque vale.
Farewell (goodbye, from late 16th century "God be with you").
Valeat quantum valere potest.
Let it stand for what it is worth.
Also translated as, "Take it for what it is worth." A proper statement to make when one passes on information of doubtful authenticity.
Valeat quantum valere potest.
Take it for what it's worth; literally, "Let it stand for what it is worth". Used when passing on information that is of doubtful authenticity.
1. The action of bidding or saying farewell to a person, etc.; a farewell or leave-taking: The office manager planned to say sincere valedictions to each member of her staff when she retired.
2. A statement, discourse, etc. made at, or by way of, a special occasion; frequently happening at a graduation ceremony of an educational facility: Charles Smith was the top academic student at school and he delivered the valediction at the close of the school year, praising not only the faculty but his fellow students as well.

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2. A statement, discourse, etc. made at, or by way of, a special occasion; frequently happening at a graduation ceremony of an educational facility: Charles Smith was the top academic student at school and he delivered the valediction at the close of the school year, praising not only the faculty but his fellow students as well.

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"This truly will be an administration that looks like America, or at least that slice of America that got double 800s on their SATs. Even more than past administrations, this will be a valedictocracy, rule by those who graduate first in their high school classes."
Someone who delivers farewell words or a speech on a special occasion: "A valedictor is a student who gives the closing address at a graduation ceremony of an educational institution, usually the one with the highest grade average in the graduating class."