(Greek > Latin: a suffix that forms singular nouns)
Here are just a few of the hundreds of words that end with -um.
cranium (s), crania (pl)
1. The skull of a vertebrate; especially, the part that covers, or encloses, the brain.
2. The upper portion of the skull, which protects the brain.
2. The upper portion of the skull, which protects the brain.
The bones of the cranium include the frontal, parietal (main side bone of the skull), occipital (back of head), temporal, sphenoid (wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull), ethmoid (irregularly shaped, spongy bone that provides the floor of the front part of the skull) and the roof of the nose, lacrimal (tear gland), and nasal (nose) bones; the concha nasalis; and the vomer (triangular bone in the nasal septum or dividing wall within the nose).
3. Etymology: from about 1543, from Medieval Latin (Latin as written and spoken c.700-c.1500), "cranium"; from Greek kranion, "skull"; related to kara, "head". Primarily a reference to the bones which enclose the brain.
A building and/or furnace where dead bodies are incinerated.
1. The courses offered by educational schools or universities: Every three years, Dan's college curriculum is reevaluated and updated in order to prepare students for their vocational needs in technological careers.
2. The related courses particular to a field of study: It will be necessary for Betty to take and to pass seven of the eight courses in the anthropology curriculum.

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2. The related courses particular to a field of study: It will be necessary for Betty to take and to pass seven of the eight courses in the anthropology curriculum.

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1. A summary of one's education, professional history, and job qualifications; usually, for a prospective employer: Dr. Jones recommended that his students have their curricula vitae prepared well in advance of applying for their desired occupation.
Curriculum vitae is also called vita or vitae; a brief biographical résumé of a person's career and training, which is usually prepared by someone who is applying for a job or a professional career.
2. Etymology: from Latin, curriculum vitae, "the race of life"; from curriculum, "course" + vitae; from vita, "life".
In the embryo, the earliest form of the skull.
1. The upper and superficial part of the head, including the scalp, muscles, etc.
2. The muscle and aponeurosis and skin covering the cranium.
3. The layer of scalp formed by muscle and flattened tendon.
4. The structures collectively that cover the skull.
2. The muscle and aponeurosis and skin covering the cranium.
3. The layer of scalp formed by muscle and flattened tendon.
4. The structures collectively that cover the skull.
1. The bony cranium, as distinguished from the cartilaginous cranium.
2. The fetal skull during the period of ossification, from early in the third month of gestation.
3. The cranium of the fetus after ossification of the membranous cranium has made it firm.
2. The fetal skull during the period of ossification, from early in the third month of gestation.
3. The cranium of the fetus after ossification of the membranous cranium has made it firm.
1. The portion of the petrous part of the temporal bone that houses the internal ear.
2. The petrous part and the mastoid process of the temporal bone, containing the hearing apparatus.
2. The petrous part and the mastoid process of the temporal bone, containing the hearing apparatus.
pericranium (s), pericrania (pl)
The membrane of connective tissue that surrounds the skull.
supercilium (s), supercillia (pl)
1. The eyebrow, or the region of the eyebrows.
2. An individual hair of the eyebrow.
3. The arch of hair above each eye; eyebrow, brow.
2. An individual hair of the eyebrow.
3. The arch of hair above each eye; eyebrow, brow.
1. A final offer or demand; especially, by one of the parties engaged in negotiations: A rejection of an ultimatum can lead to a break in relations and unilateral action, the use of force, etc. by the party which is issuing it.
2. A requirement accompanied by a threat to inflict some penalty if a demand is not met: Jack's employer issued an ultimatum by saying, "Either you work harder or you will be fired!"
3. Used in law, a final statement of terms, the rejection of which will lead to the severing of diplomatic relations and a state of hostility: An ultimatum, or demand, was made on a country to stop their invasion of the neighboring nation, and if it didn't, war would result!
4. Etymology: from Latin ultimatus, "late, last, final"; from ultimus, "extreme, last, farthest, final."

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2. A requirement accompanied by a threat to inflict some penalty if a demand is not met: Jack's employer issued an ultimatum by saying, "Either you work harder or you will be fired!"
3. Used in law, a final statement of terms, the rejection of which will lead to the severing of diplomatic relations and a state of hostility: An ultimatum, or demand, was made on a country to stop their invasion of the neighboring nation, and if it didn't, war would result!
4. Etymology: from Latin ultimatus, "late, last, final"; from ultimus, "extreme, last, farthest, final."

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The portion of the skull which forms the face and the jaws: The plastic surgeon carefully reconstructed the visceral cranium of the patient who had been severely injured in a car accident.