typo-, typ-, -type

(Greek > Latin: to beat, to strike; a blow; a dent, an impression, a mark, original form; a mold; a figure, an image, a form, a kind)

allelotype (s) (noun), allelotypes (pl)
The frequency distribution of a given set of alleles in a population: Allelotype describes the recurrence of the spreading of a given set of alleles in a population.

Alleles are variants of a gene that occurs at a given locus.

allotype (s) (noun), allotypes (pl)
Any of the genetic variants of a plasma protein or other molecule occurring among members of a single species: An allotype can be any one of the genetic variants of protein that occur in a single species.

The serum from a person with one form of allotype could be antigenic to another person.

allotypy (s) (noun), allotypies (pl)
The existence of many of the genetic variants of a plasma proteins within a single individual: Alotypy can also occur in other molecules among members of the same species.
ambrotype (s), ambrotypes (pl)
1. An early type of photograph made by imaging a negative on glass backed by a dark surface.
2. A picture taken on a place of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades are produced by a dark background visible through the unsilvered portions of the glass.
3. Etymology: from Greek ambrotos, "immortal".
The male-type specimen of the human species or characterized by people who consist of masculine types.
1. An opposite or contrasting type.
2. A person, or thing, represented or foreshadowed by a type or symbol; especially, a figure in the Old Testament having a counterpart in the New Testament of the Bible.
1. Something which is formed according to a prior model or pattern, and bearing strong features or resemblance to it.
2. Anything that is foreshadowed by, or identified with, an earlier symbol or type.
3. An opposite or contrasting type.
archetypal (adjective), more archetypal , most archetypal
Referring to an original type after which other similar things are patterned: An archetypal example is an idealized model of a person, object, or concept from which similar instances are derived, copied, patterned, or emulated.

archetypally (adverb), more archetypally, most archetypally
With reference to how an original or model is represented of exemplified: Baseball and football are archetypally played in the United States.
archetype (s) (noun), archetypes (pl)
1. A typical, ideal, or classic example of something: Mary looked like the archetype of a princess at the party with golden locks, a pink frilly dress, and a sparkling crown on her head.
2. Something that served as the model or pattern for other things of the same type: An archetype, or prototype, can serve as a copy of concepts, objects, or even people
3. An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned; a prototype: "Frankenstein" and "Dracula" are both good examples of archetypes that have made an impact on later stories of horror and fear!
4. An ideal example of a type; quintessence: Mrs. Smart was an archetype of the successful educator."
5. In Jungian psychology, an inherited pattern of thought or symbolic imagery derived from the past collective experience and present in the individual unconscious: Maybe Cinderella could be an archetype of girls in the western culture.
6. Etymology: "Original pattern from which copies are made", from 1545, from Latin archetypum, from Greek arkhetypon, "pattern, model"; neuter of the adjective arkhetypos, "first-molded"; from arkhe-, "first" plus typos, "model, type, blow, mark of a blow".

As applied to Jungian psychology in the sense of "pervasive idea" or "image from the collective unconscious" is from 1919.

archetypical (adjective), more archetypical, most archetypical
Concerning an original type after which other similar things are patterned; archetypal: Sally was the archetypical student body president being very organised and active in school life.
archtype (s) (noun), archtypes (pl)
Prototype; the original model of a thing or person that is like it: Jack was the archtype of a teacher because he had all the qualities and criteria needed to be successful in his job.

A misspelling of "archetype".

atypical (adjective), more atypical, most atypical
Descriptive of not being characteristic, not usual, or not normal: Keith Jackson made an atypical speech that disappointed his voters.

Glenda had an atypical lifestyle in that she had a wholesome diet and went to the fitness studio for at least 90 minutes each of six days every week when she wasn't traveling or didn't have other priorities to take care of.

1. A group with the same genetic constitution that is characteristic in a species.
2. A population of genetically identical organisms.
3. A specific anatomical, or physiological, configuration of an organism as a result of its adaptation to specific environmental conditions; such as, a high-altitude plant growing at sea level.
The study of anthropological types with their constitutional variations, inadequacies, etc.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "form, shape, appearance": eido-; figur-; form-; icono-; ideo-; imag-; morpho-; -oid.