tycho-, tych-

(Greek: chance, fortune, fate, providence; by accident, an unforeseen or unexpected occurrence)

atychiphobia (s) (noun) (no pl)
An excessive fear of failure: The supervisor's evaluation suggested to Thomas that he seek counseling for his atychiphobia because it seemed that he had no confidence in himself and feared ridicule, and this appeared to be interfering with his work.
dystychiphobia (s) (noun), dystychiphobias (pl)
The fear of disasters or casualties: People who suffer an anxiety of injuring themselves or other people, or of damaging property or the environment, may be suffering from dystychiphobia.

Charles refused to drive a car because of his dystychiphobia and so he was always afraid that he might harm himself, a passenger, or a pedestrian in a collision.

People who have dystychiphobia, like accident phobics, try to avoid risky jobs, atmospheric conditions, a tiring work schedule, and equipment failures.

Dystychiphobia is related to an abnormal fear of decision-making and a strong stressfulness resulting from their dread of making mistakes.

The difference between cowards and heroes is that cowards fear what they face, and heroes face what they fear.

—Dr. Mardy Grothe
tychastical results (s) (noun) (no pl)
The summation of what has been determined by investigating an accident, including an industrial accident: The police report, which provided the tychastical results of their investigation, indicated that Charles was not responsible for the unforeseen event
tychastics (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of unexptected casualties: When Mr. Simon decided to work in the insurance business, he specialized in tychastics in order to study such things as industrial mishaps or calamities.
Tyche (proper noun)
An ancient Greek goddess of fortune, chance, or ruin: The frieze on the wall depicted Tyche and other mythical figures carrying items symbolic of success.

Tyche has been identified with the Roman goddess Fortuna and they both carried the cornucopia of plenty, the rudder of destiny, and the wheel of luck.

tychemortia (s) (noun), tychemortias (pl)
1. An unintended death: The city coroner ruled that Rob's death was in fact an example of tychemortia because he slipped and fell off the building he was working on.
2. Etymology: The tyche in this case is related to the mythological Greek goddess of "chance".
tychism (s) (noun), tychisms (pl)
1. A theory that regards things that happen without being planned or expected as objective realities: There are frequent debates among scientists over the theory of tychism, such as variations or changes based on chance concerning the theory of evolution, and the gradual changes and developments over time.
2. Etymology: Coined by the U.S. Logician, mathematician, and physician, Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914).
tychite (s) (noun), tychites (pl)
1. A rare mineral comprised of sulfate-carbonate of sodium and magnesium: The chemical exploration in Southern California revealed deposits of tychite which is used in borax, a cleaning compound for laundry.
2. Etymology: Coined from Greek Tyche; so called because it was discovered by chance.
tychoparthenogenesis (s) (noun), tychoparthenogeneses (pl)
Exceptional, unanticipated, or occasional, such as the reproduction process of some insects and plants which does not require fertilization by a male species: Aphids are an example of tychoparthenogenesis in that their reproduction cycle does not depend on the mating of parent insects.
tychopelagic (adjective), more tychopelagic, most tychopelagic
A reference to organisms (tiny creatures) that normally exist in the benthos (seafloor), but which have been carried up into the liquid column by chance factors: Artesian wells, in which the water rises without a pumping apparatus, may be an example of tychopelagic processes that are carried into agricultural systems, including any living things that are in the fluids.
tychoplankton (s) (noun), tychoplanktons (pl)
1. Aquatic entities occasionally carried into plankton (very small plants and animals) by unexpected factors, such as by a violent movements of air or heavy moisture: When Susan and the other botany students analyzed the plant masses off the shore of the lake, they discovered that a lot of tychoplankton had been swept into the plankton probably as the result of strong winds and water turbulence.
2. Planktonic forms, particularly algae, that become inadvertently entangled among mats of vegetation near the shore: Bill and Jane noticed a mass of tychoplankton entangled in the seaweed on the beach of the ocean.
tychopotamic (adjective), more tychopotamic, most tychopotamic
1. A reference to aquatic living things thriving in the still backwaters of rivers and streams: On his most recent expedition, Dr. Solomon, a biologist, discovered a unique flowering tychopotamic plant in the slowly moving flow in a channel which he had never seen before during his explorations.
2. Pertaining to something that lives in fresh water: Mary's nephew likes to go fishing for tychopotamic fish in the creeks near his farm.

Tychopotamic plants and animals are usually found in brooks.

A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate": aleato-; auspic-; cad-; fortu-; -mancy; serendipity; sorc-; temer-.