tropho-, troph-, -trophy, -trophs, -trophically, -trophic, -trophous

(Greek: food, nutrition, nourishment; development)

Don't confuse this tropho-, -trophy element with tropo-, meaning "turn, turning," etc.

An organism that obtains nutrients through the active uptake of soluble materials across the cell membrane.

This class of organism, which includes the bacteria and fungi, cannot directly utilize particulate material as nutrients. The opposite of phagotroph.

1. Acquiring food by absorption, as fungi do.
2. Organisms that feed on dissolved organic molecules absorbed from the outside environmenT.
3. Feeding by "absorbing" dissolved food from the surrounding environment. Membrane pumps and pinocytosis are the most likely routes of food uptake.
Defective formation of bone; common in dogs with chronic nephritis.
A condition characterized by the overgrowth of bones.
Nutrition of osseous (bone) tissue.
panatrophy, pantatrophy (s) (noun); panatrophies, pantatrophies (pl)
Atrophy or the wasting away of all the parts of a structure or the body.
parathyrotropic, parathyrotrophic
Influencing the growth or activity of the parathyroid glands.
Deriving sustenance from living organic material.
pedatrophia, pedatrophy
pedotrophy (s) (noun) (no pl)
The art or skill necessary to feed children correctly: Sally read a book containing all aspects of pedotrophy in order to make sure she was giving her little girl the proper food she needed to stay healthy. .
An organism that obtains nutrients through the ingestion of solid organic matter. This class of organism includes all animals from the simplest, single-celled animal (for example, the protozoa) to the higher life forms. Organisms have some type of device to ingest particles, a digestive system, and a system to discard waste products; the opposite of osmotroph.
1. Eating particles of food; feeding by ingestion; engulfing food (no fungus does this).
2. Organisms that feed by ingesting particulate organic carbon or intact cells.
Pertaining to an organism that produces its own food using inorganic materials and photosynthesis; such as, most plants.
An organism that obtains carbon from organic compounds but obtains energy from light.
Plants and other organisms that use photosynthesis as a source of nutrition.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "food, nutrition, nourishment": alimento-; broma-; carno-; cibo-; esculent-; sitio-; Eating Crawling Snacks; Eating: Carnivorous-Plant "Pets"; Eating: Folivory or Leaf Eaters; Eating: Omnivorous.