tors-, tort-, -tort, tortu-, torqu-
(Latin: bend, curve, turn, twist)
A vessel where substances are distilled or decomposed by heat: An amalgam retort involves mercury that is distilled off from gold or silver mixtures.
contort (verb), contorts; contorted; contorting
1. To become so twisted as to take on an unnatural or grotesque shape, or to twist something; especially, a part of the body in this way: "The horror experienced by James and Jane at the movie was so great that it contorted their faces."
2. To twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape: "Twisting her ankles showed the severe pain which contorted Brenda's face."
3. To change something so greatly that it becomes unrecognizable: "Mary's friend always seemed to contort the truth whenever she was explaining something."
2. To twist, wrench, or bend severely out of shape: "Twisting her ankles showed the severe pain which contorted Brenda's face."
3. To change something so greatly that it becomes unrecognizable: "Mary's friend always seemed to contort the truth whenever she was explaining something."
contortedly (adverb), more contortedly, most contortedly
1. A reference to being twisted, or stained, in a violent manner
2. Descriptive of something that is twisted back on itself; convoluted.
2. Descriptive of something that is twisted back on itself; convoluted.
1. A twisting of something, especially a part of the body, out of its natural shape.
2. The act of twisting or deforming the shape of something.
3. A bewilderingly complex maneuvering or manipulation of something.
4. A tortuous and twisted shape or position of someone or something.
2. The act of twisting or deforming the shape of something.
3. A bewilderingly complex maneuvering or manipulation of something.
4. A tortuous and twisted shape or position of someone or something.
1. An acrobat who is able to twist into unusual positions.
2. Anyone who bends his, or her, own body into unusual shapes; especially, for purposes of entertainment.
3. Someone who twists, or distorts, something; such as, a statement made by another person.
A circus acrobat who is wrapped up in himself or herself.
"A man or woman who leads a double life."
A floating mass of diatoms: It was interesting to view a TV documentary about contortoplankton which consist of a gliding mass of microscopic algae that live in colonies and have cell walls of interlocking parts and valves containing silica.
A twisting or warping.
dextrotorsion (s) (noun), dextrotorsions (pl
A twisting to the right.
distort (verb), distorts; distorted; distorting
1. To bend, twist, stretch, or force something out of its usual or natural shape, or to be made to do this: The terrible pain in Mildred's neck was distorting her face.
2. To describe, or to report, something in an inaccurate or misleading way: The reporter distorted what the mayor actually said regarding the repairs to the city hall.
3. To make something unclear or unrecognizable; for example, to change something; The photograph of the robber at the bank appeared in the newspaper in such a way that it was too distorted and so it was unclear and unrecognizable.

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2. To describe, or to report, something in an inaccurate or misleading way: The reporter distorted what the mayor actually said regarding the repairs to the city hall.
3. To make something unclear or unrecognizable; for example, to change something; The photograph of the robber at the bank appeared in the newspaper in such a way that it was too distorted and so it was unclear and unrecognizable.

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distortedly (adverb), more distortedly, most distortedly
1. A reference to altering or misrepresenting something; such as, facts.
2. Relating to twisting out of shape or deforming.
3. In electronics, characterized by reproduction or amplification of something inaccurately; such as, to reproduce a signal falsely.
2. Relating to twisting out of shape or deforming.
3. In electronics, characterized by reproduction or amplification of something inaccurately; such as, to reproduce a signal falsely.
Someone who, or that which, twists out of shape or makes crooked or deformed.
1. The describing, or reporting, of something in a way that is inaccurate or misleading.
2. The bending, twisting, stretching, or forcing of something out of its usual or natural shape.
3. A part of something that has been bent, twisted, stretched, or forced out of its usual or natural shape.
4. The altering of something; such as, a radio or television signal to the extent that it becomes unclear or unrecognizable.
5. An alteration in an image in which the original proportions are changed, resulting from a defect in a lens or an optical system.
2. The bending, twisting, stretching, or forcing of something out of its usual or natural shape.
3. A part of something that has been bent, twisted, stretched, or forced out of its usual or natural shape.
4. The altering of something; such as, a radio or television signal to the extent that it becomes unclear or unrecognizable.
5. An alteration in an image in which the original proportions are changed, resulting from a defect in a lens or an optical system.
distortional (adjective), more distortional, most distortional
1. Relating to a statement that twists facts; a misrepresentation.
2. Characterized by a change in the shape of an image that results from imperfections in an optical system, such as a lens.
3. In electronics, a reference to an undesired change in the waveform of a signal.
2. Characterized by a change in the shape of an image that results from imperfections in an optical system, such as a lens.
3. In electronics, a reference to an undesired change in the waveform of a signal.
exhort, export, extort
exhort (ig ZORT) (verb)
To raise interest in something by strong argument or urging: The student leader attempted to exhort his friends to march to the government buildings.
export (ik SPORT, ik SPOHRT, EK sport", EK spohrt") (verb)
To arrange for and to send goods or ideas from one location to another one: The people were proud to be able to export their grain crops to poor countries.
extort (ik STORT) (verb)
To obtain something through intimidation or illegal power: The courts realized that the gangster had tried to extort money from the business owners.
The president of the union tried to exhort his members to boycott the export of expensive products. It was believed that the politicians were trying to extort the union president for their own means.
extort (verb), extorts; extorted; extorting
1. To obtain something; such as, money or information from someone by using force, threats, or other unacceptable methods.
2. To obtain something from another person by coercion or intimidation.
3. To compel, or to coerce, as with a confession or information, by any means serving to overcome the other's power of resistance; therefore, making the confession or admission legally involuntary.
4. To gain by wrongful methods; that is, to obtain in an unlawful manner, as when someone compels payments by means of threats of injury to person, property, or reputation.
5. The natural meaning of the word extort is to obtain money or other valuable things by compulsion, by actual force, or by the force of motives applied to the will, and often more overpowering and irresistible than physical force.
2. To obtain something from another person by coercion or intimidation.
3. To compel, or to coerce, as with a confession or information, by any means serving to overcome the other's power of resistance; therefore, making the confession or admission legally involuntary.
4. To gain by wrongful methods; that is, to obtain in an unlawful manner, as when someone compels payments by means of threats of injury to person, property, or reputation.
5. The natural meaning of the word extort is to obtain money or other valuable things by compulsion, by actual force, or by the force of motives applied to the will, and often more overpowering and irresistible than physical force.