thalam-, thalamo- +

(Greek > Latin: inner room, bedchamber; so called by Galen because chambers at the base of the brain were thought to supply animal spirits to the optic nerves; thalamus, the middle part of the diencephalon (the area in the center of the brain just above the brain stem that includes the thalamus and hypothalamus) which relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex of the brain)

Destruction of portions of the globus pallidus and thalamus (either of two large, ovoid, egg like, masses), consisting chiefly of grey substance by injection of a chemical substance.
chemothalamectomy, chemothalamotomy
The chemical destruction of a part of the thalamus, usually for relief of pain or dyskinesia (lacking normal voluntary movement).
cryothalamectomy, cryothalamotomy (s) (noun); cryothalamectomies; cryothalamotomies (pl)
Destruction of the thalamus with the application of extreme cold: In medical school, Sherry learned that a cryothalamectomy was a surgical operation using a supercoled probe placed in the thalamus in order to destroy a tumor.
epithalamium, epithalamion
1. A song or poem in honor of a bride and bridegroom.
2. A form of poem that is written for the bride; or, specifically, written for the bride on her way to her marital chamber.
Referring to, or involving, the hypothalamus.
1. The area of the brain that controls body temperature, hunger, and thirst.
2. A central area on the underside of the brain, controlling involuntary functions; such as, body temperature and the release of hormones.
3. A portion of the brain which lies beneath the thalamus and secretes substances which control metabolism by exerting an influence on the pituitary gland's function.
Extending from the lentiform (convex on both sides; lentil-shaped) nucleus to the thalamus.
In botany, having more than the usual number of chambers or receptacles.
Chemical destruction of a part of the thalamus, usually for relief of pain or dyskinesia.
The segment of the brain next in front of the midbrain, including the thalami, pineal gland, and pituitary body; the diencephalon (brainstem, consisting of the thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus and epithalamus); the interbrain (segment of the brain next to the front of the midbrain).
Destruction of a selected portion of the thalamus by stereotaxy (a precise method of destroying deep-seated brain structures) for the relief of pain, involuntary movements, epilepsy, and, rarely, emotional disturbances.

It is said to produce few, if any, neurological deficits or undesirable personality changes.

thalamus (s), thalami (pl)
1. Either of a pair of egg-shaped masses of gray matter lying beneath each cerebral hemisphere in the brain that relay sensory information to the cerebral cortex.

They are concerned with awareness of all the main senses except for smell.

2. Either of two large, ovoid masses, consisting chiefly of grey substance, situated one on each side of and forming part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle.

It is divided into two major parts: dorsal and ventral, each of which contains many nuclei.

Passing across the thalamus.