ten-, tent-, tin-, -tain, -tainment, -tenance, -tinence
(Latin: hold, grasp, have)
discountenance (verb), discountenances; discountenanced; discountenancing
1. To refuse to approve of something: Jake's family discountenanced smoking cigarettes and the excessive drinking of alcohol.
2. To disturb the composure of a person: Peggy was not discountenanced by her fellow student's accusation that she was cheating on the vocabulary test.

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2. To disturb the composure of a person: Peggy was not discountenanced by her fellow student's accusation that she was cheating on the vocabulary test.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
Fortuna obesse nulli contenta est semel. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Fortune is never content with doing a man one injury only."
Fortune is never satisfied with hurting a man just once.
impertinent (adjective), more impertinent, most impertinent
Relating to being rude and showing a lack of respect: The reporter asked the actress some impertinent questions about her character who was committing illegal acts in a new movie.

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1. A lack of physical organs to control discharges of their contents; such as, the inability to restrain the evacuation of urine or feces.
2. Not having discipline, restraint, or control of one's physical passions or desires.
2. Not having discipline, restraint, or control of one's physical passions or desires.
1. Lacking self control.
2. Not continent; uncontrolled; the inability to restrain the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging in unlawful lust; unchaste; lewd.
3. In medicine, unable to restrain natural bodily evacuations.
4. Unable to control the bowels or the bladder.
2. Not continent; uncontrolled; the inability to restrain the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging in unlawful lust; unchaste; lewd.
3. In medicine, unable to restrain natural bodily evacuations.
4. Unable to control the bowels or the bladder.