(Latin: suffix; quality of)
A suffix that forms nouns of quality or state. There are hundreds of other -acity suffixes; however, the following will present significant examples.
1. Concerning an eagerness to consume great amounts of all kinds of food; ravenous: Janet was always hungry and ate almost anything any time of day, and her omnivoracity for eating caused her to become quite obese.
2. Pertaining to an insatiable appetite for all activities or pursuits; greedy: She had an omnivoracity interest in playing computer games and could hardly take a break or even stop playing!
3. Regarding a oundless greed for all things: Examples of omnivoracity can be seen in many aspects of life, for instance as a gluttonous consumer of fine foods, as a rapacious acquirer of competing businesses, or as a politician who is ravenous for power.
2. Pertaining to an insatiable appetite for all activities or pursuits; greedy: She had an omnivoracity interest in playing computer games and could hardly take a break or even stop playing!
3. Regarding a oundless greed for all things: Examples of omnivoracity can be seen in many aspects of life, for instance as a gluttonous consumer of fine foods, as a rapacious acquirer of competing businesses, or as a politician who is ravenous for power.
1. The state of being opaque (not allowing the passage of light); unperceptive, dense: Somehow the opacity of Joe's glasses was due to the lenses being smeared over and dirty.
2. On a radiograph, the phenomenon of not allowing the passage of electromagnetic radiation: Dr. Simpson complained about the opacity that the x-rays showed and wanted to have the process repeated.
3. Something that is obscure or incomprehensible: The authors hope that tbis dictionary is not characterized by opacity, but has clear and understandable definitions and example sentences.
2. On a radiograph, the phenomenon of not allowing the passage of electromagnetic radiation: Dr. Simpson complained about the opacity that the x-rays showed and wanted to have the process repeated.
3. Something that is obscure or incomprehensible: The authors hope that tbis dictionary is not characterized by opacity, but has clear and understandable definitions and example sentences.
Jim's math teacher was known for her opacity and his friends were all very frustrated, even after asking specific questions about the content of the lessons.
Referring to the quality of orchids: The plant on Wendy's window ledge could be characterised by orchidacity by having flowers of unusual forms and gorgeous colors.
1. The ability to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to have sound conclusions: It was a marvelous effort of perspicacity for Samuel to discover that he loved his wife when he first met her before they got married.
2. A clearness of understanding or insight and discernment: Perspicacity was a characteristic of Paul's character and it was a political advantage for him when he was running for his senate seat in congress.
3. An acuteness of discernment or perception:Jack was very quick in grasping the central point of the lessons and was always correct in interpreting the meaning of the topics. His perspicacity was of great use to his friends in school!
2. A clearness of understanding or insight and discernment: Perspicacity was a characteristic of Paul's character and it was a political advantage for him when he was running for his senate seat in congress.
3. An acuteness of discernment or perception:Jack was very quick in grasping the central point of the lessons and was always correct in interpreting the meaning of the topics. His perspicacity was of great use to his friends in school!
The state of showing stubborn persistence; persistent determination; perseverance; tenaciousness: People who have the character of pertinacity usually possess a strong will, are self-confident, and have a lot of courage and conviction. :
Stubbornness and willful obstinacy: Joe's pervicacity in setting up the format for the research project actually resulted in a better content and was more understandable for others to utilize.
1. The desire to start an argument or fight: Little Joey was known for his pugnacity and none of the children at his school wanted to play with him because he was always criticizing, insulting, or harassing them in some way.
2. The act of expressing a statement or opinion very forcefully: Grace expressed her pugnacity when she told her brother that he was a liar because he denied taking money from her purse even though she had seen him do it.

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2. The act of expressing a statement or opinion very forcefully: Grace expressed her pugnacity when she told her brother that he was a liar because he denied taking money from her purse even though she had seen him do it.

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1. Insatiable desire for wealth: Some people who rent their apartments or condos are known for their rapacity and aggressive greed for money when renting their places to tenants.
2. Extreme gluttony: After catching their prey, the wolves devoured the meat and flesh with great rapacity as if they hadn't had food in years!
2. Extreme gluttony: After catching their prey, the wolves devoured the meat and flesh with great rapacity as if they hadn't had food in years!
1. Acuteness of mental discernment; aptitude for investigation or discovery; keenness and soundness of judgement in the estimation of persons and conditions, and in the adaptation of means to ends; penetration, shrewdness: Floyd was known for his sagacity by having profound knowledge and understanding, coupled with foresight and good judgment.
2. Etymology: from Middle French sagacité which came from Latin sagacitatem, sagacitas, "quality of being acute", from sagax, sagacis, "of quick perception", related to sagus, "prophetic", and sagire, "to perceive keenly".
2. Etymology: from Middle French sagacité which came from Latin sagacitatem, sagacitas, "quality of being acute", from sagax, sagacis, "of quick perception", related to sagus, "prophetic", and sagire, "to perceive keenly".
The quality or condition of being salacious; lustfulness, lecherousness, sexual wantonness: In his books the author treated sex with a slight suggestion of salacity and lewdness.
The quality or state of being soapy: The saponacity of the cleaning agent made from salts of vegetable fats produced a lot of bubbles and was quite foamy and frothy.
tenacity (noun), tenacities (pl)
The determination to remain firm, physically and mentally; to a decision, a plan, an opinion, or a purpose without doubting that it is the right thing to do: Despite many years of dedication, the lexicographer continues to show his tenacity by working on his special dictionary until it is either completed or as close to being finished as possible before he departs from this world.

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1. The honesty or truthfulness of a person when expressing herself or himself: When Mr. Jones, the candidate for mayor of the town, was giving his speech, his veracity was questioned by many of the listeners.
2. Correctness or accuracy of the facts: When fictional stories or novels are written, veracity is certainly not one of the most important elements or aspects presented!
3. Etymology: from Latin veracis, "truthful" from verus "true."

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2. Correctness or accuracy of the facts: When fictional stories or novels are written, veracity is certainly not one of the most important elements or aspects presented!
3. Etymology: from Latin veracis, "truthful" from verus "true."

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The quality of being filled with liveliness, animation, and spirit: Stella flew into the room with such vivacity and energy and could hardly wait to tell her parents the good news which set everyone in a state of high-spiritedness and joy!
The quality or character of being especially greedy in eating; extreme gluttony: Bob sat at the table and ate not only 2 hamburgers, but 10 hamburgers! It certainly can be said that he showed a great deal of voracity and his figure showed it, too!!
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