taxi-, tax-, taxo-, taxio-, -taxia, -taxis, -taxy, tact-, -tactic, -tactical, -tactics

(Greek: arrangement, order, put in order, orientation; the movements or directed responses of motile organisms to stimuli, as indicated by the combining roots)

acroataxia (s) (noun), acroaaxias (pl)
The inability to perform coordinated voluntary movements smoothly which affect the distal portion of the extremities, such as the hands and fingers, the feet, and the toes: Acroataxia results in a person being unable to synchronize his or her muscle activities when trying to move around and which prevents effortless and easy movements.
adelphotaxis (uh del" foh TACK sis), adelphotaxy (uh del" foh TACK see) (s) (noun); adelphotaxes; adelphotaxies (pl)
The tendency of moveable cells to assume a particular arrangement; Adelphotaxy refers to the definite grouping of cells, usually in a mutual relationship.

Adelphotaxy is the interactive attraction between spores after extrusion or pushing out.

aerotaxis (s) (noun) (no pl)
A movement of an organism in response to the presence of molecular oxygen: Aerotaxis is the directed motion of bacteria or other motile organisms towards (positive) or away from (negative) from air and is caused by a change in oxygen concentration.
ahydrotaxis (s) (noun), ahydrotaxes (pl)
Organisms or creatures that spontaneously move away from moisture or wet conditions: There are some ahydrotaxes in nature that are intolerant of or can't exist very long in water or even in prolonged wet or damp environments.
allelotaxis, allelotaxy (s) (noun); allelotaxes; allelotaxies (pl)
The formation, during development, of one organ from more than one embryologic structure: Allelotaxis is the development of a part from several embryonic structures or tissues.
amyotaxia, amyotaxy
Muscular incoordination attributable to cerebellar lesions; ataxia.
anemotaxis (s) (noun) (no pl)
An orientation or movement of a free-living organism in response to wind: Some insects show anemotaxis in that they fly into wind currents because of an airborne food supply that triggers their attention.
An irregular tension of the blood vessels.
1. An obsolete term for the oozing of blood; bleeding.
2. The oozing of blood, as seen in hemophilia.
The organization and arrangement of the various parts of a flower.
anthotaxia, anthotaxy
1. The arrangement or disposition of flowers in a cluster.
2. The science of the relative position of flowers; inflorescence.
aphototaxis (s) (noun), aphototaxes (pl)
The absence of any response to a light stimulus by an organism that can move: The aphototaxis of organisms is a condition that is characterized by their failure to react to light; neither moving toward the source of light (positive phototaxis) nor away from it (negative phototaxis).
The absence of a directed response of a motile organism to a thermal (heat) stimulus.
argotaxis (s) (noun), argotaxes (pl)
Passive or very slow movement due to surface tension: The argotaxis os the snail on the dry sidewalk delayed its progress to the moistt lawn on the other side.
asyntaxia (s) (noun), asyntaxias (pl)
A situation characterized by a lack of typical or orderly embryonic development: The research project at the veterinarian school was directed at understanding the asyntaxia of specific bovines including cows and bulls.