taxi-, tax-, taxo-, taxio-, -taxia, -taxis, -taxy, tact-, -tactic, -tactical, -tactics

(Greek: arrangement, order, put in order, orientation; the movements or directed responses of motile organisms to stimuli, as indicated by the combining roots)

hydrotaxis, hydrotactic
1. The directed response of a motile organism towards (positive) or away from (negative) a water or moisture stimulus.
2. Movement of an organism in response to water.
3. A movement or orientation directed by the presence of water.
1. The directed response of a motile organism to moisture.
2. Attracted to humid micro-environments.
A condition of weak or imperfect coordination.
1. In grammar, the dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with connectives.
2. The subordinate status of one clause in relation to another separated from it by a subordinating conjunction; for example, in "I will go when I am ready", the relationship between "I am ready" and "I will go" is one of hypotaxis.
The taxidermy or stuffing (mounting) of the skins of fishes as zoological specimens or as trophies for those who catch fish to hang up on their walls.
1. Having or relating to a stereochemical regularity of structure in the repeating units of a polymer.
2. A polymer whose constituent molecules give it a repetitive spatial structure.
A wavering side-to-side motion of the head occurring as an organism moves forward in response to a source of stimulation, caused by the alternating reaction of sensory receptors on either side of the body.
leucocytotaxis, leucocytotaxia (s) (noun); leucocytotaxes; leucocytotaxias (pl)
Movement of leukocytes in response to some stimulus: Jack learned that Leucocytotaxis occurred due to an injury or an inflammation.
leucotaxis, leukotaxis (s) (noun) (no pl)
The ability to attract leukocytes: An infection, for example, can prompt a situation of leucotaxis into action.
leukotaxis (s) (noun) (no pl)
The ability to attract leukocytes: An infection, for example, can prompt a situation of leucotaxis into action.
Movement of lymphocytes in response to some stimulus.
The orientation or movement of a motile organism in response to a magnetic field.
A directed response of a motile organism at a constant angle to the source of a stimulus.
mnemotaxis (noun) (no plural)
A directed response of a moving organism back along their own tracks: In her biology class at school, Mary learned that animals possess a mnemotaxis in that they use their memories for retracing the paths they have already taken.
The theory that nerve cell bodies may move toward, or their axons may grow toward, the area from which they receive the most stimuli.