syn-, sy-, sym-, syl-, sys-

(Greek: with, together with; also by extension: united; same, similar; at the same time)

inverse symmetry
1. Correspondence between one side of an organism and the opposite side of another organism.
2. Communication of the right or left side of an asymmetrical part to the left or right side of another part.
Latin numerical symbol (s) (noun), Latin numerical symbols (pl)
The origin of Latin counting symbols: There are some people who believe that the Latin numerical symbol V (5) represents the hand with all five fingers spread apart.

It is pleasant to think that I represents the upheld finger of Latin Numerical symbols and that V might symbolize the hand itself with all five fingers; so, one branch of the V would be the extended thumb; the other, the remaining fingers for "six", "seven", "eight", and "nine"; we would then have VI, VII, VIII, and VIIII.

—Compiled from Asimov on Numbers;
by Isaac Asimov; Mercury Press, Inc.;
New York; 1966; page 9.
lipodystrophy syndrome
A disturbance of lipid (fat) metabolism that involves the partial, or total, absence of fat and often the abnormal deposition and distribution of fat in the body.

There are a number of different lipodystrophy syndromes. Some of them are present at birth (congenital) while others are acquired later. Some are genetic (inherited), others are not.

One lipodystrophy syndrome appears associated with the protease inhibitor drugs (preventing the production of new infectious viral articles) used in the treatment of AIDS.

In this lipodystrophy syndrome, the face, arms and legs become thin due to loss of subcutaneous fat. The skin becomes dry, the lips crack, and weight drops.

The larger of two symbionts.
The larger of two symbiotic organisms.
syllabicate (SIL uh bi kayt") (verb), syllabicates; syllabicated; syllabicating
To separate a word into constituent parts or sections in speech and writing: When Tommy was learning to read, his teacher taught him how to syllabicate words so he could learn to pronounce them easier and understand their meanings.
syllable (s) SIL uh buhl) (noun), syllables (pl)
1. A unit of spoken language consisting of a single uninterrupted sound formed by a vowel, diphthong, or syllabic consonant alone, or by any of these sounds preceded by, followed by, or surrounded by one or more consonants: The word "doctor" has two syllables and the first syllable is stressed when it is pronounced.

One or more letters, or phonetic symbols, are written or printed to approximate a spoken syllable.

2.Etymology: from Anglo-French sillable, from Old French sillabe, from Latin syllaba, from Greek syllabe, "a syllable, several sounds or letters taken together"; literally, "a taking together" from syn-, "together" + stem of lambanein, "to take".
1. A summary or list of the main topics of a course of study, text, or academic lecture.
2. A short note that precedes the report of a legal case which has been decided and that summarizes the ruling.
The physiological study of conception and pregnancy.
1. In medicine, the fertilization of the ovum by the spermatozoon, occurring in the human female usually about the twelfth to fifteenth day after the first day of menstrual flow.
2. The use of a word that relates to, qualifies, or governs two or more other words but agrees in number, gender, or case with only one of them: "Neither my wife nor I want to" is an example of syllepsis, where "want" agrees with "I" but not "wife".
3. The use of a word that relates to, qualifies, or governs two or more other words but has a different meaning in relation to each; for example, "Mary picked up her coat and a ride home."
syllogism (s) (noun), syllogisms (pl)
1. An argument or form of reasoning in which two statements or premises are made and a logical conclusion drawn from them: All mammals are warm-blooded (major premise); whales are mammals (minor premise); therefore, whales are warm-blooded (conclusion).
2. Reasoning from the general to the particular; deductive logic: A syllogism can be an instance of subtle, tricky, or specious reasoning; or one that seems to be true but is actually false or deceptive.
The study of symbiosis.
An organism associated with another in symbiosis; a symbiotic organism.
symbion, symbions; mutualist, mutualists
1. An organism that is associated with another one in symbiosis.
2. A special application of this term refers to tiny sea organisms which live on the mouthparts or mouth hairs of the Norwegian lobsters where they feed on the leftovers from the lobsters' meals and they seem to be harmless to their hosts.

They were discovered in 1995 by Danish scientists Reinhardt Kristensen (professor, curator of the Natural History Museum of Denmark) and Peter Funch (Associate Professor, Ecology & Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark) and they were classified as Cycliophora, a new phylum of creatures.

Symbions have no legs, but each one keeps itself in place with a short stalk ending in an adhesive disc that attaches to the host lobster's mouth hairs.

Apparently there are two other species of symbions: one lives on American lobsters, and another, which may not be a distinct species, lives on European lobsters.

The Latin term is Symbion pandora.

A reference to an organism that is associated with another organism in symbiosis.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": auto-; emul-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; homo-; iso-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; tauto-.