stercor-, sterco-, sterc- +
(Latin: stercus, stercoris; dung, excrement, manure; feces, fecal)
2. A coloring matter found in the feces, a product of the alteration of the bile pigments in the intestinal canal; identical to hydrobilirubin (body formed from bilirubin*, identical with urobilin*).
*Bilirubin is a pigment produced when the liver processes waste products. A high bilirubin level causes yellowing of the skin.
*Urobilin is also a yellow pigment identical with hydrobilirubin, abundant in the highly colored urine of fever, and also present in normal urine.
Urobilin is a constituent of the brown pigment found in feces; which is derived from bilirubin by reduction due to bacteria in the intestine.
2. A chromogen formed in the intestine from the breakdown of bilirubin; yields urobilins on oxidation; some is excreted in the feces and some is resorbed and excreted in bile or urine.
2. A hard mass of fecal matter in the intestine.
A stercolith can obstruct the appendix, leading to appendicitis. Fecaliths also can obstruct diverticuli. Also called: coprolith and fecalith.
2. A hard fecal mass, usually in the rectum.
2. Consisting of or resembling dung or feces.
2. The vomiting of fecal matter that has been drawn into the stomach from the intestine by spasmodic contractions of the gastric muscles.
2. A dorsal pocket or sac of protodaeum in spiders.
Other "dung, feces, scarab, excrement" units: copro-, feco-, scarab, scato-.
Contributions of dung beetles to healthier grazing animals.
Survival of dung beetles is vital to successful agriculture.