stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
abstistic (adjective); more abstistic, most abstistic
1. A reference to all conversations, writings, and arguments that are based on theoretical principles, positions, political persuasions; pertaining to data that is devoid of the heart, the voice, poetry, or ideology rather than experience: The essay was an abstistic model of nothing but compassionless ideas and statistics.
2. Etymology: from abstract, meaning "disembodied, divorced from being perceived by the senses or the mind or being handled or touched or felt" + statistic, "facts that describe a situation".
2. Etymology: from abstract, meaning "disembodied, divorced from being perceived by the senses or the mind or being handled or touched or felt" + statistic, "facts that describe a situation".
1. A lighter-than-air aircraft which sustains its height by the buoyancy of the surrounding air: Unpowered balloons, blimps, and dirigibles are examples of aerostats which use one or more containers filled with a lifting gas which keep them floating.
2. Any of a proposed system of satellites for use in air traffic control and maritime navigation: Observation aerostats are used by the military to watch the field of battle.
3. Etymology: from aero, [nautical] + sat [ellite].
2. Any of a proposed system of satellites for use in air traffic control and maritime navigation: Observation aerostats are used by the military to watch the field of battle.
3. Etymology: from aero, [nautical] + sat [ellite].
aerostatic (adjective), more aerostatic, most aerostatic
1. Relating to gases or resembling air; pneumatic: Such aerostatic gases, or compressed gasses, are used to propel an aircraft even under changing atmospheric flight conditions.
2. Pertaining to an aircraft, especially a dirigible: An aerostatic balloon derives its lift from the buoyancy of surrounding air rather than from the motion in the air:
2. Pertaining to an aircraft, especially a dirigible: An aerostatic balloon derives its lift from the buoyancy of surrounding air rather than from the motion in the air:
1. The study of gases that deals with the balance of air or other gases, and with the equilibrium of solid bodies: Arthur decided to study aerostatics because he was very interested in the principle of floatation in air.
2. The science of aircraft that are lighter than air: Greg thinks that aerostatics seems to be a fascinating branch of research dealing with dirigibles and balloons, both of which are buoyant and float or drift in the atmosphere.
2. The science of aircraft that are lighter than air: Greg thinks that aerostatics seems to be a fascinating branch of research dealing with dirigibles and balloons, both of which are buoyant and float or drift in the atmosphere.
Difficulty in standing because of a tremor of the muscles or as a result of a lack of coordination: The elderly Mrs. Hathaway had to use a wheelchair to get around sometimes because of her amyostasia which prevented her to be on her feet and be upright.
amyostatic (adjective), more amyostatic, most amyostatic
Relating to muscular tremors or involuntary quivering or shaking: Due to her amyostatic condition, Mrs. Smith avoided standing too long and losing her balance, and even falling down!
A neurotic inability to get up from a sitting position or to stand up: Jeff suffered from ananastasia, and his doctors thought that this occurred because of some seriously abnormal or severely disturbing incident in his past.
A recovery or convalescence from a debilitating medical condition and improvement of one's health: After spending many months in hospital, the elderly Mr. Moore was enjoying a time of anastasis and slowly recovering his strength and wellbeing.
A person who opposes the withdrawal of the state's recognition of an established church: An antidisestablishmentarian believes that the Church of England should retain its legal relationship with the state, and not depart from it.
1. A political belief that was opposed to the separation of a religious group, or church, from a state or its authority: Antidisestablishmentarianism was the view held by those who were opposed to disconnecting the Anglican church from the civil government, or to refer to the division of church and state in England in the 19th century.
2. The word is especially noted for its unusual length: Antidisestablishmentarianism is one of the longest words in the English language and consists of twenty-eight letters and twelve syllables!
2. The word is especially noted for its unusual length: Antidisestablishmentarianism is one of the longest words in the English language and consists of twenty-eight letters and twelve syllables!
An attitude that stands in contradiction to a nation's accepted and recognised social, economic, and political principles of society: Antiestablishmentarianism involves those who are opposed to the existing societal and legislative structures of their government or social community.
The rejection of or the abandonment of a religious belief, a political party, or certain principles: Jacob's apostasy was a disappointment for his mother because he no longer belonged to the devotional organization that he had been a member of ever since he was a child.

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1. A formal agreement to temporarily end military fighting by mutual consent; a truce: For the holiday the opponents decided on an armistice and both sides wanted peace talks in hopes of ending the conflict.
2. Etymology: from French armistice, coined on the model of Latin solstitium, from Latin arma, "arms" + -stitium which is from Latin sistere, "to cause to stand, to come to a stop, to make stand still".
2. Etymology: from French armistice, coined on the model of Latin solstitium, from Latin arma, "arms" + -stitium which is from Latin sistere, "to cause to stand, to come to a stop, to make stand still".
1. The act of legally taking and keeping someone in custody by the police: Witnesses and the photos taken by the in-store cameras have led to the arrest of four suspects.
2. In medicine, an occurrence in which a part of the body suddenly stops functioning: The patient went into a cardiac arrest.
2. In medicine, an occurrence in which a part of the body suddenly stops functioning: The patient went into a cardiac arrest.
The local hospital reported an increase in respiratory arrests or instances in which several patients suddenly stopped breathing.
3. Etymology: from Latin ad-, "at, to" + restare, "to remain, to stop".
arrest (verb), arrests; arrested; arresting
1. To use the power and authority of the law to take and to keep someone in jail: The police officer said, "I'm arresting you in the name of the law."
The police arrested the man for assaulting his wife.
2. To stop the movement of something: Dr. Jones told the patient, Mrs. Thompson, that drugs can't arrest the progress of the disease, however they can slow it down.Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.