stato-, stat-, sta-, -static, -stasi, staso-, -stasis, -stasia, -stacy, -stitute, -stitution, -sist
(Latin: standing, to stay, to make firm, fixed; cause to stand, to put, to place, to put in place, to remain in place; to stand still)
contrastedly (adverb); more contrastedly, most contrastedly
Descriptive of how something or someone is at variance with another: The teacher, Mrs. Adams, explained contrastedly the major differences between a small town and a big city.
contrastive (adjective); more contrastive, most contrastive
1. Characterizing two things that contain or produce a difference or distinction: Both of the colors used in the painting certainly have a contrastive effect making it very bright and gay.
2. Pertaining to related words that are at variance with each other: There are many contrastive words, such as "rich" and "poor", "tall" and "short", or "big" and "small" whereby each pair has an opposite meaning.
3. Regarding the comparison between elements of a sentence or between sentences: Such terms as "though", "but", or "or" are conjunctions which have a contrastive purpose or usage and are helpful when needed in explaining topics.
2. Pertaining to related words that are at variance with each other: There are many contrastive words, such as "rich" and "poor", "tall" and "short", or "big" and "small" whereby each pair has an opposite meaning.
3. Regarding the comparison between elements of a sentence or between sentences: Such terms as "though", "but", or "or" are conjunctions which have a contrastive purpose or usage and are helpful when needed in explaining topics.
contrastively (adverb); more contrastively, most contrastively
Regarding how something is opposed to another thing: Leon wrote in such a contrastively different, impressive, and distinguishing style compared with the other journalists that he was immediately given the job with the local newspaper.
A fecal impaction in the intestine of a person or of an animal: When Clifford went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with coprostasis, which was causing him so much pain in his bowel movement.
1. The total amount of time, money, etc. that is needed: The cost of the new house exceeds Harry's budget and so he cannot buy it.
2. An adverse outcome or forfeit that takes place or must take place: Mr. Hathaway worked so many hours and even on the weekends and earned a lot of money, but completely at the cost of his health!
2. An adverse outcome or forfeit that takes place or must take place: Mr. Hathaway worked so many hours and even on the weekends and earned a lot of money, but completely at the cost of his health!
cost (verb), costs; cost, costed; costing
1. To be priced at; to sell for: If Jimmy wants to ride on the merry-go-round, it will cost him one dollar.
2. To bring on suffering, loss, or sacrifice: Getting everything ready for the Christmas party will cost us a lot of extra time and work.
2. To bring on suffering, loss, or sacrifice: Getting everything ready for the Christmas party will cost us a lot of extra time and work.
costless (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to something which requires no payment; complimentary: The tickets to the concert were costless or free!
A courtesy which is free of charge; gratuitousness: The costlessness of the food for the poor people in town was very welcome by all the citizens.
costly (adjective); costlier, costliest
1. Referring to something that is very expensive: The beautiful watch Jane wanted to have for Christmas was costly or exorbitant in price, but James bought it for her anyway!
2. Pertaining to someone's deed or action resulting in a grave drawback or unfavourable position: Jerry made a costly mistake by playing in the lottery, because he lost a large amount of money!
2. Pertaining to someone's deed or action resulting in a grave drawback or unfavourable position: Jerry made a costly mistake by playing in the lottery, because he lost a large amount of money!
1. A device by which a certain temperature can be maintained at a very low level: The specimen was put into a cryostat which cooled it down considerably.
2. A freezing chamber: The students were introduced to the cryostat where they would be cutting microscopically fine parts of tissues with a microtome.
2. A freezing chamber: The students were introduced to the cryostat where they would be cutting microscopically fine parts of tissues with a microtome.
The inhibition of the growth and division of cells: The treatment of skin diseases and infections or the chemotherapy of cancer uses the method of cytostasis in order to hinder or stop the multiplication of cells.
desist (verb), desists; desisted; desisting
1. To abstain from consuming: Since Jill was on a diet, she desisted eating ice cream for a while.
2. To refrain from achieving or trying to continue: After raking the leaves for more than two hours, Susan desisted and quit until the next day.
2. To refrain from achieving or trying to continue: After raking the leaves for more than two hours, Susan desisted and quit until the next day.
The students wouldn't desist and kept on protesting for "Fridays for Future", hoping that the government would finally act on saving the environment.
1. The place to which something is intended to go: The name and address on the package to where it is to be delivered is referred to as its destination.
2. The locality, the region, or the place where a journey or trip ends: After hiking for many hours, Chuck and Russell finally reached their destination at the peak of the mountain!
3. The final stop or goal for which something is accomplished: The destination or terminus of bus number 10 ends at the train station.
2. The locality, the region, or the place where a journey or trip ends: After hiking for many hours, Chuck and Russell finally reached their destination at the peak of the mountain!
3. The final stop or goal for which something is accomplished: The destination or terminus of bus number 10 ends at the train station.
destine (verb), destines; destined; destining
1. To designate in advance: Since her parents were excellent musicians, Naomi was destined to be a great musician herself.
2. To intend or set aside for a specific purpose: Albert's parents destined their savings for his further education at the university.
3. To aim or to direct to a certain goal or end of journey: The flight Ginny was on was destined for Toronto because she wanted to visit her daughter Lisa.
2. To intend or set aside for a specific purpose: Albert's parents destined their savings for his further education at the university.
3. To aim or to direct to a certain goal or end of journey: The flight Ginny was on was destined for Toronto because she wanted to visit her daughter Lisa.
1. The predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible course of events and considered as something beyond human power or control: Bert is convinced that no matter how hard he tries to accomplish his future existence, it will be a result of destiny and not by his own efforts.
2. The power or agency thought to predetermine events: Ted and Jane were sure that it was destiny that brought them together.

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2. The power or agency thought to predetermine events: Ted and Jane were sure that it was destiny that brought them together.

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Related word families intertwined with "to place, placing, to put; to add; to stay; to attach" word units: fix-; pon-; prosth-; the-, thes-.