spond-, spon-, spons-, -spondence, -spondent,
-spondency, -spondencies
(Latin: to bind oneself; to pledge; to promise solemnly; to adopt and support a cause)
correspond (verb), corresponds; corresponded; corresponding
1. To be in harmony or to agree or match almost exactly: It seems that Jim's ideas correspond with his wife's.
3. To exchange messages with another person or to write letters to other people: Although Crystal often traveled around the world as a reporter, she and her personal physician often corresponded whenever she needed medical advice.
Bill's professor said that when the ideas of a speaker correspond to the thinking of those of the audience, then communication is successful.
2. To be similar: The fins of fish are said to correspond to the wings of birds.3. To exchange messages with another person or to write letters to other people: Although Crystal often traveled around the world as a reporter, she and her personal physician often corresponded whenever she needed medical advice.
Over the decades, Grace's mother was usually corresponding monthly with her six children and their families because they were living far away in other parts of the country.
1. A close similarity, equivalence, or connection: The correspondence of Brandon's writing objectives with those of his wife made their lives more comprehensible and harmonious.
2. The communication or the exchanges of messages via computers or letters with other people: Bruce's military wife, who is overseas, really enjoys the correspondence she receives from her husband and two children.
2. The communication or the exchanges of messages via computers or letters with other people: Bruce's military wife, who is overseas, really enjoys the correspondence she receives from her husband and two children.
E-mails and telephone calls provide important correspondences that are very important for personal contacts and for businesses that need to provide faster services to their customers than normal postal methods can deliver.
1. Someone who communicates with another person through a written text; such as, a letter, e-mail, etc.: Mary's sister, Ginny, is a great correspondent who writes lively letters and cards and sends frequent electronic communications from her computer to other computer users.
2. A media reporter who is assigned specific topics to write about; for example, foreign and domestic sports, etc.: Margaret was one of the correspondents for the local newspaper on international monetary issues and was often interviewed on television.
2. A media reporter who is assigned specific topics to write about; for example, foreign and domestic sports, etc.: Margaret was one of the correspondents for the local newspaper on international monetary issues and was often interviewed on television.
correspondent (adjective), more correspondent, most correspondent
Similar to another item in many aspects but with discernible differences: "Robert" is a male name and the correspondent name for a female is "Roberta".
correspondently (adverb), more correspondently, most correspondently
Relating to the process of writing and communicating via written letters or verbally on broadcast stations: The reporter for the national news service correspondently wrote for TV news programs in order to ensure the dissemination of as much information from all around the world as possible.
correspondingly (adverb), more correspondingly, most correspondingly
Conveying an opinion that suggests harmonization, accord, and agreement: The manner and attitude of the company president was correspondingly acceptable by the union regarding the issue of additional pay for overtime hours.
despond (verb), desponds; desponded; desponding
To lose hope, to become very discouraged, or to despair: After being ill for several months, Carol had desponded of ever feeling healthy and energetic again; however, now she has recovered and is doing much better.
1. A loss of courage and hope; being very sad and having a feeling that nothing good can come: After the divorce from his wife of twenty-five years, Gilbert was going through a period of deep despondency.
2. Etymology: from Latin de-, "away, without" + spondere, "to promise"; therefore, "without promise" and "without hope".

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2. Etymology: from Latin de-, "away, without" + spondere, "to promise"; therefore, "without promise" and "without hope".

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despondent (adjective), more despondent, most despondent
1. Characteristic of someone who is very unhappy, dismal, and gloomy: Jeremiah was very despondent about losing his job after fifteen years with the company; however, the business was having economic problems and laying off many of its employees.
2. Descriptive of anyone who is feeling dejected, hopeless, and disheartened: It's very easy to be a despondent individual when he or she has worked so hard to accomplish something and failed to achieve the desired results.
3. Etymology: from the Latin prefix de-, "away, without" + spondere, "to promise".
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2. Descriptive of anyone who is feeling dejected, hopeless, and disheartened: It's very easy to be a despondent individual when he or she has worked so hard to accomplish something and failed to achieve the desired results.
3. Etymology: from the Latin prefix de-, "away, without" + spondere, "to promise".

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despondently (adverb), more despondently, most despondently
Descriptive of a manner that suggests being without hope and feeling depressed: Eugene was despondently sitting and staring at the television which he had not turned on.
despondingly (adverb), more despondingly, most despondingly
A reference to being hopeless, without courage, and lacking enthusiasm: The author described the mood of the hero in her book as despondingly similar to that which the author herself suffered during the time of the death of her beloved dog.
1. The act or fact of being engaged and promising to marry: The espousal of Mary's uncle Jason, and his long-time friend, Leah, was announced in the local paper on the weekend.
2. A support expressed in favor of an idea or an action regarding a proposal of something: Jim's espousal was to keep his old car because it was still performing very well and so he decided not to waste so much money to buy a new one.
2. A support expressed in favor of an idea or an action regarding a proposal of something: Jim's espousal was to keep his old car because it was still performing very well and so he decided not to waste so much money to buy a new one.
espouse (verb), espouses; espoused; espousing
1. To indicate support for a cause, a belief, an objective, etc.: The country's president was espousing a less expensive financial budget for the coming year.

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The computer programmer espoused an easy way to utilize the functions of the new web site.
2. To unite in marriage or to become married: George has espoused Marge as his wife.

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espoused (adjective), more espoused, most espoused
Descriptive of something that is being advocated, encouraged, or adopted: Alison was enthusiastic about the espoused notion that speed limits should be reduced in residential areas of her city.
The act or fact of marriage or the endorsement of an idea or action: There was a small article in the local newspaper noting the espousement of raising the minimum wages for part time employees by the president of the company.