spec-, spic-, spect-, spectat-, spectro- -spectr, -spectful, -spection, -spective

(Latin: to see, seeing; to look at, looking at; sight, to appear, appearing; to behold, to examine, examining)

Ab alio expectes, alteri quod feceris. (Latin term)
Translation: "Expect from others what you have done to them."

Prout multis ut faciant vobis homines, et vos facite illis similiter; "As you would that men should do to you, do you also to them in like manner." From Luke 6:31 of the Latin Vulgate, a Latin version of the Bible produced by Saint Jerome in the 4th century.

From Latin vulgata editio, "an edition made public" or "an edition for ordinary people" which is a version used by the Roman Catholic Church.

alcohol fetopathy (s) (noun), alcohol fetopathies (pl)
A pattern of permanent and often devastating birth-defect syndromes caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy; fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: The main effect of alcohol fetalpathy is brain damage which can be caused during any trimester, because the fetus's brain continues to develop throughout the entire pregnancy.

The brain damage that is a result of alcohol fetopathy is often accompanied by, and reflected in, distinctive facial stigmata or characteristics which are indicative of a disease or abnormalities.

allopatric speciation (s) (noun), allopatric speciations (pl)
The differences of populations in geographical separations to the point where they are recognized as isolated species: Allopatric speciation exists when two biological populations of the same species become separated as a result of geographical changes or population dispersal and whose areas of existence are entirely disunited to such a degree that they do not occur in any one place together.

Allopatric speciations involve changes that take place with related organisms to the point where they are different enough to be considered separate species and this happens when populations of certain species are separated and adapt to their new environment or conditions (physiological, geographic, or behavioral).

aspect (s) (noun), aspects (pl)
1. A facet, phase, or part of a whole: People should consider the various aspects of the economic situation before making any significant investments.
2. The view of something to the mind or the eyes: Suddenly the stone had a greenish aspect in the florescent light.
3. The way a person, place, or something appears: The old house took on a dark and lonely aspect or image.
4. Etymology: from Middle English, "indicating the action or the way of looking at or seeing something"; from Latin aspectus and aspicere, "to look at"; from ad-, "to" + specere, "to look".
A look or appearance like something.
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audiospectography (s) (noun), audiospectographies (pl)
A technique for studying sounds by separating them into their component frequencies: Part of Sam's university studies was in the field of audiospectolgraphy, which interested him quite a bit in regards to becoming an otorhinolaryngologist.
auspex (s) (noun), auspices (pl)
1. A religious official of ancient Rome; especially, one who interpreted omens based on the observation of birds to guide public policy: A Roman leader was usually accompanied by an auspex whose presence was supposed to determine if certain actions would bring good fortune or result in misfortune.
2. Etymology: from Latin avis, "bird" + specere, "to look, to see."
auspicate (AW spi kayt") (verb), auspicates; auspicated; auspicating
1. To begin or to inaugurate with a ceremony intended to bring good luck: Mr. and Mrs. Smith auspicated their 50th wedding anniversary with champagne before dinner, hoping that the years to follow would bring as much pleasure as the first 50 years.
2. To give a favorable turn when starting something; to inaugurate in a sense derived from the historical practice of observing birds in flight, before undertaking an important decision or action: The leaders of Rome usually auspicated their public activities before proceeding with them.
auspicately (adverb), more auspicately, most auspicately
Regarding how something is in accordance with omens or prophetic signs: Rudolph and Sally sought the advice of a fortune teller who could auspicately determine if their big financial investment would be a success or a failure.
auspication (s) (noun), auspications (pl)
The process of getting favorable signs or receiving warnings of bad things that could happen: The feeling of auspications were evident when the tornadoes were seen approaching the area and the terrible destruction that followed fulfilled the prophetic threats that were observed.
auspicator (s) (noun), auspicators (pl)
Someone or something that predicts that an event will take place: The dark clouds and thunder were the auspicators that indicated a rainstorm was coming.
auspicatory (adjective), more auspicatory, most auspicatory
A reference to receiving favorable omens or signs for something that is about to take place: The auspicatory remarks, or medical prognosis, made by the doctor improved Susan's outlook for her life.
auspice (s) (noun), auspices (pl)
1. Protection or support; patronage: A benefit concert was given under the auspices of the hospital.
2. A sign indicative of future prospects; a favorable sign or propitious circumstance; an omen: The auspices for the new venture by the company appeared to be favorable.
3. Etymology: from Latin auspicium, "divination by observing the flight of birds"; from auspex, auspicis, literally, "bird seer"; from avis, "bird", and the stem of specere, spicere, "to see, to look at, to watch".

Observations of and predictions that in the past were based on the actions or behaviors of birds.

The high priest in earlier Roman times used to study the auspices by observing the flight of birds, just as Romulus did when founding Rome. Later the high priest did it by examining the entrails of sacrificed animals.

—Excerpts from Romans without Laurels
by Indro Montanelli; published by Pantheon Books,
a division of Random House, Inc.; New York; 1962; page 64.
auspicial (adjective), more auspicial, most auspicial
Of or pertaining to a favorable sign or indicating that a future success is probable for an activity: James found that it was an auspicial decision to apply for a new job after his previous employment was terminated because the company he worked for was decreasing the number of workers they had for economic reasons.
auspiciate (verb), auspiciates; auspiciated; auspiciating
To give a favorable result when a person or people start to do something: The electoral officials were hoping to auspiciate the election with the most efficient procedures possible.
auspicinator (s) (noun), auspicinators (pl)
A prophet or soothsayer who claims to know how to foretell events or to predict the future: Jacob consulted the local auspicinator to see if moving to another city to find employment would be a good idea.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.