spec-, spic-, spect-, spectat-, spectro- -spectr, -spectful, -spection, -spective

(Latin: to see, seeing; to look at, looking at; sight, to appear, appearing; to behold, to examine, examining)

geographic speciation (s) (nouns), geographic speciations (pl)
The evolutionary development of plant or animal groups whose members all have similar general features and are able to produce young plants or animals together: A geographic speciation is an evolutionary change leading to the rise of new species resulting from the separations of biological populations into mutually exclusive geographic regions, thereby creating distinct gene pools.

Geographic speciation refers to the differentiation of populations of biological groups in various geographical isolations to the point where they are recognized as separate species.

in spite of; not, inspite of (prepositional phrase)
Regardless of, even though; without being affected by: "The tourist had difficulty communicating when she went to Germany in spite of all the years she studied German."

"In spite of the high prices, there is still enough demand for oil to keep the costs of gas higher than some people can afford."

"Note that unlike 'despite' being spelled as one word, 'in spite' [of] should always be spelled as two separate words and not as 'inspite [of]'. Remember: inspite of, NO; in spite of, YES!"

inauspicious (adjective), more inauspicious, most inauspicious
Suggesting that the future is not very promising or that success is unlikely; contrary to one's interests or welfare; not favorable; boding ill; ill-omened; not auspicious: The party the children were preparing seemed to be inauspicious and not conducive to success because it started to rain heavily during the afternoon. ;.
An indication of an inauspicious flight of birds.
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The augur is now reversing his previous auspicious interpretation of the birds in flight so that the situation is now inauspicious.

Bird Poops On President Bush During Rose Garden Press Conference

Was this an Example of an Inauspicious Moment?

An outdoor news conference in perfect spring weather, with birds chirping loudly in the magnolia trees, is not without its hazards.

As President Bush took a question Thursday (May 24, 2007) in the White House Rose Garden about scandals involving his Attorney General, he remarked, "I've got confidence in Al Gonzales doin' the job."

Simultaneously, a sparrow flew overhead and left a splash on the President's left sleeve, which Bush tried several times to wipe off.

Deputy White House Press Secretary promptly put the incident through the proper spin cycle, telling ABC News, "It was his lucky day... everyone knows that's a sign of good luck."

—Ann Compton, ABC News, May 24, 2007 at 03:15 PM

Obviously, the Press Secretary did not recognize the inauspiciousness of the moment!

Statements from blog writers

Since when is it good luck to have a bird fly over and take a crap on you? These people will lie about anything. Watching Bozo trying to wipe it off with his bare hand made me sick! Yuck!

I guess they'll have to set up a "bird-free zone" in the future to protect the President from signs and portents in such form.

Do we remember the space shuttle that disintegrated over Texas before the Iraqi war started? Believe in signs anyone?

inauspiciously (adverb), more inauspiciously, most inauspiciously
Referring to how something happens in an unlucky way; unfavourably: The student's recital began quite inauspiciously when the key to unlock the piano was evidently misplaced and couldn't be found for 15 minutes!
inspect (verb), inspects; inspected; inspecting
1. To look at something in a very close manner: "James had to inspect his computer because it wasn't booting properly."
2. To investigate officially: "Maria had to pay a fee for the goods that she had purchased while on her holiday in Europe when they were inspected by a customs official in Canada."
inspection (s) (noun), inspections (pl)
1. The action of examining something: "David thought his car would have something wrong with it, but the mechanic's inspection indicated that everything was all right."
2. An examination carried out in order to ensure that something has accomplished official standards: "Greg's company had to prepare a tax report; so, the accountant verified that it was ready for the official inspection."
inspector (s) (noun), inspectors (pl)
 1. Someone who looks carefully at something in order to learn more about it or to find problems, etc.: "Dave was a building inspector who was responsible to see if the structures were safe for those who live or work in them."
2. A police officer who is charge of several departments: "Spencer was an inspector who was supervising other police who were examining the scene of a major bank robbery."
introspect (verb), introspects; introspected, introspecting
1. To examine or to consider one's own thoughts, feelings, and sensations: "She says that everyday she tries to introspect her life in an effort to achieve her objectives as a writer."
2. To look into one's own mind, feelings, etc.: "All of us need to spend some time introspecting our lives so we can strive for greater achievements."
introspection (s) (noun), introspections (pl)
The process of considering one's own feelings or thoughts: George's introspection consisted of trying to justify why he spent so much time on his computer project.
Looking within and examining one's own feelings and thinking.
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Self-examination of one's thoughts and feelings.
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1. Examining one's own sensory and perceptual experiences.
2. Descriptive of examining and analyzing one's own thoughts, experiences, and feelings: "Some people have gone through introspective periods in their lives, where they reflect and meditate about their lives."
1. Descriptive of someone who looks into or examines his or her own mind, feelings, etc.
2. A reference to the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": blep-; delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.