spasmo-, spasm-, spas- +

(Greek > Latin: draw, tear, rend, pull; tension, convulsion; sudden, involuntary contractions)

algospasm (s) (noun), algospasms (pl)
Painful spasm or cramp: When Mrs. Higgins had her menstrual period, she suffered from algospasms because her uterus contracted in order to help expel its lining and this process was quite painful at times.
anesthetospasm (s) (noun), anesthetospasms (pl)
An unexpected twitch or often painful contraction of muscles associated with the effects or influences of medication designed to render the recipient insensible and unaware of pain: The unexpected anesthetospasm initially alarmed Dr. Starr, the anesthetist, who quickly checked the anesthetometer and then reported the anesthetospasm to Dr. Simmons.
1. Spasm of the coronary arteries.
2. A localized, intermittent contracture of a blood vessel.
Spasm of the anus.
1. Relieving spasm, usually of smooth muscle, as in arteries, bronchi, intestine, bile duct, ureters, or sphincters, but also of voluntary muscle.
2. An agent that relieves spasm.
Antispasmodic with specific reference to skeletal muscle.
Spasm of an artery or arteries.
A reference to, characterized by, or causing arteriospasm.
1. Spasm of the eyelid muscle resulting in the closure of the eye or eyes.
2. The involuntary forcible closure of the eyelids.

The first symptom may be uncontrollable blinking. Only one eye may be affected initially, but eventually both eyes are usually involved.

The spasms may leave the eyelids completely closed causing functional blindness even though the eyes and vision are normal.

Blepharospasm is a form of focal dystonia (a condition of either excessive or inadequate muscle tone).

bronchiospasm, bronchospasm
Spasmodic contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, as that which occurs in asthma.
1. A sustained tight contraction of the muscle sphincter at the lower end of the throat that obstructs the passage of food.
2. Failure of the muscle fibers at the lower end of the esophagus to relax, resulting in swallowing difficulty and regurgitation.
carpopedal spasm
Spasms of the hands or feet that may be seen in association with hypocalcaemia or hyperventilation.

Hypocalcaemia is abnormally low calcium concentration, which can result in muscle cramps, abdominal cramps, spasms, and hyperactive deep tendon reflexes.

Hyperventilation refers to the depth and rate of breathing which is greater than that required by the needs of the body. Such a condition can cause dizziness and tingling of the fingers and toes.

cheirospasm, chirospasm
Writer's cramp; a spasm of the muscles of the hand or hands.
A spasmodic contraction of the vagina.

The sustained tight contraction of the muscular wall of the vagina, most commonly as a feature of vaginismus.

cryospasm (s) (noun), cryospasms (pl)
Muscle contractions produced by cold: Mr. Tall had to be very careful when he went outside in the freezing winter because he sometimes suffered from cryospasms which were extremely painful.