sopho-, soph-, sophic, -soph, -sopher, -sophy [-osophy] -sophical, -sophically, -sophist
(Greek: wise, wisdom; knowledge)
anthroposophic (adjective), more anthroposophic, most anthroposophic
Conveying a special perception or astuteness about patients and their psychological needs: The psychiatrist was striving to have a better anthroposophic comprehension regarding the mental problems of his patients.
anthroposophical (adjective), more anthroposophical, most anthroposophical
A reference to the conception of or the understanding of mankind; human wisdom.
Someone who is constantly working to have a better comprehension of the moods and spirits of humans.
A sophisticated enlightenment regarding humanistic ways of living: Thomas, a psychology student, was studying anthroposophy because he wanted to understand more about human nature.
bathysophical (adjective), more bathysophical, most bathysophical
A reference to a knowledge of deep-sea life and conditions: In the story Jane was reading, the king of the ocean possessed great bathysophical wisdom about all the things found in the bottom of the ocean.
Someone who has extensive intellectuality regarding hands.
A person who practices sleight of hand.
1. The science or special understanding about hands.
2. A wise approach to using hands in unique artistic presentations: Go to this entertaining presentations of Hands as Objects of Art so you can enjoy the exhibit of artistically enhanced hands showing creative marvels.
2. A wise approach to using hands in unique artistic presentations: Go to this entertaining presentations of Hands as Objects of Art so you can enjoy the exhibit of artistically enhanced hands showing creative marvels.
An advanced learning or specialized concepts about the universe.
Someone who is a specialist in the art of dining and who is an adept conversationalist at the dinner table: The term deipnosophist comes from the title of the Greek work of Atheneus, in which a number of learned men are represented as dining together and discussing subjects that range from the dishes in front of them to literary criticism and miscellaneous topics of various descriptions.
deipnosophistic (adjective), more deipnosophistic, most deipnosophistic
1. One of a sect of ancient Hindu philosophers of ascetic habits (known to the Greeks through the reports of the companions of Alexander), who wore little or no clothing, denied themselves meat, and gave themselves up to mystical contemplation: The Hindu philosophers, or gymnosophists, went around with naked feet and almost no clothing.
3. Etymology: from Greek gymnos, "naked" + sophistes, "sage, wise".
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The gymnosophists lived in woods, subsisted on roots, never married, and they believed in the transmigration or movement of souls after death to other bodies or substances, usually human or animal.
2. Those who participate in activities with others without wearing clothing, or garments, because they believe it is a more wholesome or a healthier way to live: In some areas of the world, there are gymnosophists who live in what are called "nudist colonies" because they believe it is a more acceptable way of living.3. Etymology: from Greek gymnos, "naked" + sophistes, "sage, wise".

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The study of sleep and of associated phenomena: Hypnosophy is the scientific study of the nature, causes, and modes of sleep.
A person who has contempt for education or the process that is required for achieving it: Jackie was a misosophist who decided to quit school at 16 because she had a very strong hatred of going to such an institution and having to study all the subjects required for a diploma; so, as a result, she could only get a cleaning job at a downtown drugstore.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "know, knowledge; learn, learning": cogni-; discip-; gno-; histor-; intellect-; learn, know; math-; sap-; sci-.