sono-, son-, sona-, -sonous, -sonic, -sonically
(Latin: sound, that which is heard; noise)
A normal or abnormal noise arising from within the body: There are various types of auscultatory sounds that may come from within a person's body.
A "rale" is the intermittent crackling or bubbling sound produced by fluid in the air passages and air sacs of the lungs.
A "murmur" is a soft blowing or fluttering sound.
A "bruit" is a significant sound heard inside the body caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart or blood vessels.
A "fremitus" is a vibration or tremor resulting from a physical action, such as speaking or coughing, and felt by a hand and is also used to assess whether the chest is affected by a disease.
There are, of course, other sounds heard during auscultation examinations of the chest or abdomen.
1. The use of ultrasonic instruments to analyze and map parts of the body.
2. The use by certain animals of echoes of sounds they produce to locate objects in the perceptual field as with bats as they move around.
2. The use by certain animals of echoes of sounds they produce to locate objects in the perceptual field as with bats as they move around.
1. An agreement with something or someone: The candidate's beliefs are in consonance with his political party's objectives and proposals.
2. Consisting of harmonious sounds which are pleasing to hear: Laura and Jim enjoyed the concert which was full of wonderful consonances from the beginning to the end.
3. The various letters that make pronunciations; usually, at the endings of words: A few examples of consonances include the letters "st" as in the words "first, last, forest, host, slowest, fast, most", etc.
2. Consisting of harmonious sounds which are pleasing to hear: Laura and Jim enjoyed the concert which was full of wonderful consonances from the beginning to the end.
3. The various letters that make pronunciations; usually, at the endings of words: A few examples of consonances include the letters "st" as in the words "first, last, forest, host, slowest, fast, most", etc.
dissonance (noun), dissonances (pl)
Harsh and inharmonious sounds: The musician horrified his audience with a presentation of dissonance or cacophony in one of his presentations.

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dissonant (adjective), more dissonant, most dissonant
Associated with harshness, unpleasantness, or unacceptability: The musician's opening performance included a piece of music that was lacking in harmony because he wanted his audience to hear the difference between a dissonant kind of music and his other harmonious instrumental sounds.

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horrisonant (adjective), more horrisonant, most horrisonant
Characteristic of something that sounds beastly or which produces terrible sounds: The misbehavior of the children resulted in the mother yelling horrisonant words at them.

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hypersonic (high" pur SAHN ik)
1. Much faster than the speed of sound.
2. Relating to speeds five or more times than that of the normal speed of sound in the air; such as, rockets, certain air currents, aircraft, etc.
2. Relating to speeds five or more times than that of the normal speed of sound in the air; such as, rockets, certain air currents, aircraft, etc.
Related information at "Oceanic Sounds in a Realm of Silence".