sol-, soli-, solo- +

(Latin: sun)

solar still
A device used to desalinate or distill water by means of solar energy; that is, sunlight heats the water within a receptacle (still) by means of a greenhouse effect.
solar storm
A large-scale solar flare that affects the earth's magnetic field.
solar thermal energy
The conversion of the radiant energy from the sun into heat, which can then be used for such purposes as space and hot water heating, industrial process heat, or power generation.

Solar thermal energy can be used for such applications as, space heating, air conditioning, hot water, industrial process heat, drying, distillation and desalination, and electrical power.

solar tide
The vertical movement of water due to gravitational attraction between the sun and the earth.

The solar tide generating force is only about three-sevenths of the lunar tide, due to the closer distance of the moon to the earth.

solar time
1. Local time as measured by an instrument; such as, a sundial.
2. A system of measurement based on the position of the earth in relation to the sun.
solar-hydrogen economy
An economy in which direct solar energy would be the primary energy source and hydrogen the secondary energy carrier.

Power from wind or photovoltaic systems would drive photo-electrolytic hydrogen production.

solaria (pl)
Rooms built for the purposes of enjoying sunlight, usually with large windows or glass walls; especially, rooms in hospitals or other health care establishments.
Benefiting from exposure to sunlight.
Caused by exposure to sunlight.
solarimeter, pyranometer
1. General name for the class of actinometers that measure the combined intensity of incoming direct solar radiation and diffuse sky radiation.
2. An instrument used to measure the combined intensity of incident direct solar radiation and diffuse sky radiation.

It operates by comparing the heat produced by the radiation on blackened metal strips with that produced by a known electric current.

solaripathy (s) (noun), solarpathies (pl)
A morbid condition resulting from exposure to sunlight: When Jane's skin turned very red with swelling and blisters, her dermatologist thought that she had a case of solaripathy and gave her some medication in addition to telling her to stay out of the sun for at least a month.
Excessive fondness for exposure to sunlight.
solariphobic (adjective); more solariphobic, most solariphobic
Referring to something that is irritated by exposure to sunlight: Grace had very sensitive skin and eyes which were definitely solariphobic, and she always wore a hat with a broad rim and sunglasses to protect her skin and eyes against the glaring rays during daytime.
The interpretation of myths by reference to the sun; especially, such interpretation which is carried to an extreme.
solarium (s) (noun); solariums, solaria (pl)
1. A room or porch exposed by the sun: "Karl enjoys sitting in his solarium in the morning while he is eating his breakfast and reading the newspaper."
2. A room designed for solar therapy or heliotherapy which is a medical treatment using the sun's rays: "One of the treatments which Shareen's uncle received during his stay at the sanitarium was a daily visit to the solarium where he could sit comfortably in the warm sunshine."
3. A day, or recreational room in a hospital or medical setting for patients that is often used as a waiting area for families or visitors: "When Josh and his family visited his uncle at the sanatorium, they usually waited for him in the sunny solarium there were also many beautiful plants."

Related "sun" word family: helio-.