-arium (s), -aria (pl)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; a place for; abounding in or connected with something; a place containing or related to that which is specified by the root)
In the Roman Catholic Church, sudarium is another term for Veronica's Veil which is a legendary Catholic Church relic. The faithful believe that Veronica from Jerusalem encountered Jesus along the Via Dolorosa on the way to Calvary.
When she paused to wipe the sweat off his face with her veil, his image was imprinted on the cloth. The event is commemorated by one of the Stations of the Cross.
According to legend, Veronica later traveled to Rome to present the cloth to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. It had miraculous properties, including the quenching of thirst, restoring blindness, and sometimes even raising the dead.
"The Tepidarium in the Roman thermae was a great central hall around which all the other halls were connected, and it provided the key to the setup of the thermae."
"The tepidaria were probably the halls where the bathers first got together before going through the various hot baths (Caldaria) or taking the cold bath (Frigidarium)."
2. A sealed glass container often in the shape of a globe that is used for growing ornamental plants that require a high level of humidity: Dina's aunt had two large terraria in which she grew exotic plants in her solarium.
3. Etymology: from Latin terra, "earth" and modeled on aquarium; because it was designed as a place for land animals instead of water creatures.
2. Etymology: a term commonly applied to ancient Roman toilet bottles; however, it appears that the term was "invented" in the 19th century, on analogy with unguentarius ("perfume seller") and similar Latin words that the Romans used in connection with perfumes."
2. A dispute or dialogue which may be verbal or written, typically involving issues regarding words and word usage: "The two editors of the latest dictionary engaged in a good humored verbarium over the definitions of some words and phrases."
2. An artificial habitat for the study of small animals, typically made of a glass or transparent material: The vivarium in Jim's classroom was made of a discarded aquarium and was used as a formicarium so the students could study the habitat and habits of ants.
3. A place in which animals are housed, particularly animals used in medical research: The antivivisectionists regularly picketed the university vivarium, protesting the use of animals in medical research.