sed-, sedat-, -sid, -sess
(Latin: sit, sitting)
sedentary (adjective), more sedentary, most sedentary
1. A reference to requiring a continual sitting position and not moving around: Providing information with a computer is usually a sedentary job.
2. Accustomed or addicted to sitting still; not in the habit of taking physical exercise: The unhealthy conditions of some of the employees were caused by the sedentary lifestyles of their jobs and so the company made efforts to have the workers take breaks and to participate in their newly established fitness center.
3. Inhabiting the same region through life; not migratory: There are many forms of life which are naturally sedentary or confined to one spot during their existence and are not locomotory or moving around; such as, sea corals, oysters, and all kinds of plants.

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2. Accustomed or addicted to sitting still; not in the habit of taking physical exercise: The unhealthy conditions of some of the employees were caused by the sedentary lifestyles of their jobs and so the company made efforts to have the workers take breaks and to participate in their newly established fitness center.
3. Inhabiting the same region through life; not migratory: There are many forms of life which are naturally sedentary or confined to one spot during their existence and are not locomotory or moving around; such as, sea corals, oysters, and all kinds of plants.

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1. A prolonged sitting; as of a legal group, a religious body, or other people, for discussions: The regular monthly sederunt of the church group will take place on Tuesday afternoon.
2. The list of people who are present for a meeting: The chairman read the sedurunt to determine who was present and absent.
3. Etymology: from Latin sederunt, "they were sitting", from sedere, "to sit".
2. The list of people who are present for a meeting: The chairman read the sedurunt to determine who was present and absent.
3. Etymology: from Latin sederunt, "they were sitting", from sedere, "to sit".
1. Matter or insoluble material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs.
2. Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice to other locations.
2. Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice to other locations.
sedimentary (adjective), more sedimentary, most sedimentary
Relating to liquids that contain material that forms and sinks or settles to the bottom of a liquid.
A natural process by which particles float to the bottom of water and form other elements: Sand is known to form solid layers of rock by mens of accumulated sedimentation.
sedimentological (adjective) (no comparatives)
A reference to the science that deals with the description, classification, and origin of rocks: A sedimentological research project established by the geological department of a university is reporting that geochemical contents of a nearby lake have changed its properties significantly in the last 50 years.
The science that deals with the description, classification, origins of rocks and their depositions and accumulations: Among other elements, sedimentology involves the study of rock weathering in which the hardest rocks will break or dissolve into smaller particles of mud, sand, or gravel called sediment.
Sedimentology is also influenced by movements caused by gravity or motions caused by erosion; such as, when sediment rolls or goes downhill in a landslide or when it is carried away by water, wind, or moving ice in glaciers.
1. The seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located.
2. The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop.
2. The official seat, center of authority, jurisdiction, or office of a bishop.
A bishop is a high ranking official in the Catholic church who governs a diocese (region), or a similar official in other denominations and religions.
A diocese is the territory, or churches, subject to the jurisdiction of a bishop.
3. Etymology: "position of a bishop", from about 1297; from Old French sied, sed; from Latin sedem (nominative of sedes), "seat, abode"; related to sedere, "to sit".
sessile (adjective) (not comparable)
1. A reference to a leaf or flower that has no stalk but is attached directly to the stem.
2. A description of an animal that is permanently attached to something rather than free-moving; not free to move around: Examples of sessile creatures include barnacles that live in the sea.
3. Etymology: "adhering close to the surface", from Latin sessilis, "pertaining to sitting"; from sessum, past participle of sedere, "to sit".
2. A description of an animal that is permanently attached to something rather than free-moving; not free to move around: Examples of sessile creatures include barnacles that live in the sea.
3. Etymology: "adhering close to the surface", from Latin sessilis, "pertaining to sitting"; from sessum, past participle of sedere, "to sit".
1. A meeting or sitting of a legislative or judicial body dealing with business transactions: The U.N. Special Session on Disarmament is scheduled to take place next month.
3. An assembly of people for a common purpose or because of a special interest: The citizens of the village got together in a session to talk about and to decide on what needed to be done regarding the road conditions in their area.
4. U.S. law pertaining to the court of criminal jurisdiction: There will be a another legal session for the trial of the accused bank robber next week.
5. A period of time used or devoted to a specific activity: The sessions of recording the music by the local band will take place in a studio.
The new session of the state legislature will deal with government properties going to private ownership in order to reduce some of the government debt.
2. The part of a year or of a day during which a school, college, or university has classes: Carol's children will be going to special classes during the summer session and then the elementary school will be back in regular sessions at the beginning of September.3. An assembly of people for a common purpose or because of a special interest: The citizens of the village got together in a session to talk about and to decide on what needed to be done regarding the road conditions in their area.
4. U.S. law pertaining to the court of criminal jurisdiction: There will be a another legal session for the trial of the accused bank robber next week.
5. A period of time used or devoted to a specific activity: The sessions of recording the music by the local band will take place in a studio.
Bob's health insurance will cover just twelve one-hour sessions of therapy this year.
1. The surrounding and blockading of a city, town, or fortress by an army attempting to capture it.
2. A military or police operation in which troops or the police surround a place and cut off all outside access in order to force a surrender.
3. A prolonged period, as of an illness: Sam had a siege of asthma.
4. Obsolete: Formerly, a seat, especially a throne.
2. A military or police operation in which troops or the police surround a place and cut off all outside access in order to force a surrender.
3. A prolonged period, as of an illness: Sam had a siege of asthma.
4. Obsolete: Formerly, a seat, especially a throne.
1. The dimensions, extent, amount, or degree of something, in terms of how large or small it is: William and Ann picked a table which they thought was the right size for their dining room.
2. Something that is large, often very large, in dimensions or degree: Did you see the size of the neighbor's dog?
3. A set of measurements used when making, or classifying, articles; such as, clothing or shoes that are produced and sold according to various sizes.
4. Etymology: from Old French sise, a shortened form of Old French assise, past participle of asseoir, "to settle"; from Latin assidere, "to sit beside", from Latin sedere, "to sit".
2. Something that is large, often very large, in dimensions or degree: Did you see the size of the neighbor's dog?
3. A set of measurements used when making, or classifying, articles; such as, clothing or shoes that are produced and sold according to various sizes.
4. Etymology: from Old French sise, a shortened form of Old French assise, past participle of asseoir, "to settle"; from Latin assidere, "to sit beside", from Latin sedere, "to sit".
size (verb), sizes; sized; sizing
To cut, shape, or manufacture goods so that they have the necessary or chosen measurements desired: Hank had his suit sized specifically to fit his body.
1. To become less active or intense: After a few hours, the strength of the hurricane seemed to subside and was not as strong as it was earlier.
2. To drop or to sink to a low or lower level: Because of the hole in the bottom of the rowboat, it started to subside to the bottom of the lake.
3. To gradually sit or lie down; to sink into a sitting or lying position because of exhaustion: After running the marathon, Jason subsided on the grass so he could catch his breath.
4. To become quiet, less active, or less disturbed or upset: The cat's unhappiness at being left alone all day subsided after getting its dinner and sitting on the owner's lap to be petted.
5. Etymology: from sub, "down" + sidere, "to settle"; which is related to sedere, "to sit".

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2. To drop or to sink to a low or lower level: Because of the hole in the bottom of the rowboat, it started to subside to the bottom of the lake.
3. To gradually sit or lie down; to sink into a sitting or lying position because of exhaustion: After running the marathon, Jason subsided on the grass so he could catch his breath.
4. To become quiet, less active, or less disturbed or upset: The cat's unhappiness at being left alone all day subsided after getting its dinner and sitting on the owner's lap to be petted.
5. Etymology: from sub, "down" + sidere, "to settle"; which is related to sedere, "to sit".

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1. The sinking down of land resulting from natural shifts or human activity, frequently causing structural damage to buildings.
2. The waning or lessening of something.
3. An abatement in intensity or degree; such as, in the manifestations of a disease.
4. Etymology: "to sink to the bottom," from Latin subsidere, "to settle, to sink, to sit down, or to remain"; from sub, "down" + sidere, "to settle" which is related to sedere, "to sit'.
2. The waning or lessening of something.
3. An abatement in intensity or degree; such as, in the manifestations of a disease.
4. Etymology: "to sink to the bottom," from Latin subsidere, "to settle, to sink, to sit down, or to remain"; from sub, "down" + sidere, "to settle" which is related to sedere, "to sit'.