satis-, sati-, sat-
(Latin: enough, content with)
1. Someone or something that is valuable: In her acting career, Frankie was told that, in addition to her dramatic skills, her beauty would be an asset, too.
3. Etymology: from old French asez, "enough"; derived from Latin ad-,"to" + satis, "enough".

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The proper utilization of a country's natural assets can result in more income for its citizens.
2. Usually, that which is owned by an individual, a company, a bank, etc.: Mark owned assets in the company where he worked and he fortunately was able to retire and financially profit from his investments.3. Etymology: from old French asez, "enough"; derived from Latin ad-,"to" + satis, "enough".

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Discontent or a displeasure with a certain condition: There has been a widespread dissatisfaction with the current political situation.
An unpleasant condition that is not desired nor acceptable: When Jim went to the hotel, he felt a great deal of dissatisfactoriness about what was offered there when he went to his room.
dissatisfactory (adjective), more dissatisfactory, most dissatisfactory
Relating to not being up to what is expected or desired.
dissatisfied (adjective), more dissatisfied, most dissatisfied
dissatisfiedly (adverb), more dissatisfiedly, most dissatisfiedly
A reference to being unhappy or not content with someone or something: Investors were dissatisfiedly disappointed with the small amounts of returns from their financial shares.
A situation in which one is disappointed or has a lack of contentment with someone or something.
dissatisfy (verb), dissatisfies; dissatisfied; dissatisfying
To fail to meet the needs or desires of someone: James has been dissatisfied with his job and that is why he is looking for employment with another company.
Fortuna multis dat nimis, satis nulli. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Fortune gives many too much, enough to none."
A variant translation is, "To many, fortune gives too much, to none [does she give], enough." In other words, most people feel that they are never given too much.
Incapacity of being pleased or content; the state of being very greedy: Judy's insatiability for ice cream made her gain a lot of weight, so she decided one day not to buy anymore, which was an excellent idea.
insatiable (adjective), more insatiable, most insatiable
A reference to wanting as much of something as possible: Monroe has an insatiable desire to get over the pains that he has been suffering since his accident.

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insatiably (adverb), more insatiably, most insatiably
1. Descriptive of how a desire is unquenchable or impossible to appease: Mary was insatiably curious about the universe and was forever reading books regarding the cosmos.
2. Relating to how something is done with steadfastness, but lacking fulfilment or pleasure: Clint seemed to be insatiably hungry for more and more lovemaking with his girlfriend, but she didn't feel the same in return and felt suffocated.
2. Relating to how something is done with steadfastness, but lacking fulfilment or pleasure: Clint seemed to be insatiably hungry for more and more lovemaking with his girlfriend, but she didn't feel the same in return and felt suffocated.
insatiate (adjective), more insatiate, most insatiate
insatiately (adverb), more insatiately, most insatiately
Nemo solus satis sapit. (Latin)
Translation: "No one is sufficiently wise by himself."
"Two heads are better than one."