sarco-, sarc-, -sarcous, -sarc, -sarcoma, -sarcomatous, -sarcomatoid

(Greek: flesh, meat)

1. A tumor composed of spindle-shaped cells in the delicate supporting connective tissue of nerve cells.
2. Rare mixed tumors of the brain and rarely the spinal cord which contain malignant neuroectodermal (glial) and mesenchymal components, including spindle-shaped fibrosarcoma cells.

These tumors are highly aggressive and present, primarily in adults, as rapidly expanding mass lesions. They may come up in tissue that has been previously irradiated.

A rare malignant tumor of vascular origin, formed by proliferation of endothelial tissue lining irregular vascular channels; it usually occurs in the skin, soft tissues, breast, or liver
A rare malignant tumor of vascular origin, formed by proliferation of endothelial tissue lining irregular vascular channels; it usually occurs in the skin, soft tissues, breast, or liver.
Extreme anasarca (effusion of serum into the cellular substance, occasioning a soft, pale, inelastic swelling of the skin) of the subcutaneous connective tissue.
A poison found in the muscles or flesh of certain fish.
A poisoning that results from the ingestion of the flesh of poisonous fish, in contrast with ordinary bacterial food poisoning that might result from the ingesting (eating) of nonpoisonous fish contaminated by bacteria.
1. A rare cancerous tumor of the smooth muscle cells. It is most often found in the uterus or abdomen.
2. A sarcoma (malignant tumor that begins growing in connective tissue such as muscle, bone, fat, or cartilage) containing large spindle cells of smooth muscle.

Although it rarely occurs in soft tissue, it is common in the viscera. It is the most common soft tissue sarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract and uterus. The median age of patients is 60 years.

leukosarcoma (s) (noun), leukosarcomas; leukosarcomata (pl)
An obsolete term for malignant lymphoma: Leukosarcoma refers to a variation of malignant lymphoma in which the blood cells become leukemic or malignancy of the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow.
1. A type of malignant tumor that arises from fat cells in deep soft tissue; such as inside the thigh.

Most frequently seen in older adults (age 40 and above), liposarcomas are the most common of all soft-tissue sarcomas (a group of malignant tumors that involve connective tissue).

2. A malignant neoplasm of adults that occurs especially in the retroperitoneal tissues and the thigh, usually deep in the intermuscular or periarticular planes.

Peritoneal tissues include the serous membrane that lines the walls of the abdominal and pelvic cavities.

lymphosarcoma, lymphoblastoma
A malignant tumor in lymphatic tissue, caused by the growth of abnormal lymphocytes.

Lymph is a fluid containing white cells, chiefly lymphocytes, that is drained from tissue spaces by the vessels of the lymphatic system. It can transport bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells.

Softness of muscular tissue.
1. A sarcoma with myxoid (containing mucus; mucoid), chondroid, and fibrous components.
2. A malignant neoplasm derived from fibrous connective tissue, i.e., a fibrosarcoma, in which there are intimately associated foci of cartilaginous and myxomatous tissue (a benign tumor of connective tissue containing jellylike material).
Mucus coming from a rare malignant tumor found most often in the fat surrounding the kidneys or in the central part of the chest.
A sarcoma characterized by immature, relatively undifferentiated cells that grow rapidly and invade extensively, resulting in tissue that resembles primitive mesenchymal tissue.
A reference to a tumor containing myxomatous (tumor composed of mucous connective tissue similar to that present in the embryo or umbilical cord) and sarcomatous (cancer arising from connective tissue; such as, muscle or bone) elements, having undergone partial degeneration.

An extended explanation of Sarcophagous is available for your examination.

Related "meat, flesh" word units: carno-; creo-, kreo-.