argo- +

(Greek > Latin: passive, unworkable, slow; a-, "without, not" + ergon, "work")

argamblyopia (s) (noun), argamblyopias (pl)
Suppression amblyopia or "lazy eye": Argamblyopia is due to long disuse of the eye.

In amblyopia, or argamblyopia, the brain favors one eye over the other. The other eye is ignored. It is not adequately stimulated and the visual brain cells do not mature normally. Amblyopia is the most common cause of monocular blindness, partial, or complete blindness in one eye.

argodromilic (adjective), more argodromilic, most argodromilic
A reference to slow-flowing streams: In her book on strange words, Jill found out that a brook or creek that progresses leisurely is termed to be an argodromilic rivulet.
Information is located at Chemical Element: argon.
argonon (s) (noun) (no pl)
In chemistry, inert gas; noble gas; rare gas: Argonon is one of the chemically inert (only a limited ability to react) gaseous elements of the helium group in the periodic table.
argotaxis (s) (noun), argotaxes (pl)
Passive or very slow movement due to surface tension: The argotaxis os the snail on the dry sidewalk delayed its progress to the moistt lawn on the other side.

Cross references related to "work, toil" word families: ergasio-; ergo-; labor-; oper-; pono-; urg-.