rust-, rus-, rura-, ruri-
(Latin: country, farm, land, open land; of the country, simple; living in the country)
roister (ROI stuhr) (verb), roisters; roistered; roistering
1. To engage in boisterous revelry or loud bragging: When the actor won the actor's award, he started roistering way beyond the normal acceptance of such recognition.
2. Etymology: from Latin rusticus, "rural"; from rus, "open land, country".

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2. Etymology: from Latin rusticus, "rural"; from rus, "open land, country".

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An especially noisy and unrestrained merrymaker: When Jack was celebrating his birthday with his friends at a restaurant, they drank a lot of wine and beer which resulted in their becoming very loud until the manager asked the roisterers to either be quiet or to pay their bills and leave.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
roisterous (adjective), more roisterous, most roisterous
roisterously (adverb), more roisterously, most roisterously
rural (adjective), more rural, most rural
ruralist (s) (noun), rualists
1. Someone who resides or lives in a country area instead of towns or cities.
2. A person who advocates or considers living in the country is better than being in cities where so many people are living.
2. A person who advocates or considers living in the country is better than being in cities where so many people are living.
ruralize (verb), ruralizes; ruralized; ruralizing
rurally (adverb), more rurally, most rurally
rustic (adjective), more rustic, most rustic
rustically (adverb), more rustically, most rustically
rusticate (RUHS ti kayt") (verb), rusticates; rusticated; rusticating
1. To go or to send someone to the country to live: After David's mother and father moved from their farm to a large city, they returned after a few years with their three children to rusticate themselves again in a new agricultural vocation.
3. To complete the building of the outer part of a vertical construction that forms a partition or exterior siding with large blocks of stones that are left with sloping and rough surfaces and which have deep joints between them: Leslie and Monica had their property surrounded with a wall that was rusticated.
After James retired, he and his family decided to rusticate and to enjoy the quietness and peacefulness which they missed in the big city where they lived for so many years.
2. To become countrified in appearance and behavior: Mike had grown up in the city and so it took awhile before he was able to rusticate himself when he went to live with his grandparents on their farm during the summer.3. To complete the building of the outer part of a vertical construction that forms a partition or exterior siding with large blocks of stones that are left with sloping and rough surfaces and which have deep joints between them: Leslie and Monica had their property surrounded with a wall that was rusticated.
Jack and Jill decided to have the stone work on the outside of their house rusticated so it would appear to be from some ancient time.
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