roseo-, ros-
(Latin: a red or pick color; rose colored or pinkish)
"Flares are usually caused by such things as weather (ultraviolet radiations/sun, cold, strong winds, excessive humidity), emotional influences (strong emotions, stresses, and anxieties), heat (saunas, hot baths, overheating, warm environments), beverages (such as, alcohol; especially red wine, beer, bourbon, gin, vodka, champagne), hot drinks (hot cider, hot chocolate, tea, coffee); foods (liver, dairy products, hot or spicy foods, vegetables, fruits), tobacco, certain medications (injected radioopaque iodides, topical corticosteroids), or abnormal physical exertion; such as, exercise, sports, or jobs requiring lifting and/or loading."
Increased conditions of acne rosacea can be prevented by avoiding certain foods, alcohol, caffeine, and exposure to sunlight, extremes of temperature, wind, and certain cosmetics as prescribed by a dermatologist.
In the earlier stages of rosacea, the patient may notice gradual reddening of the skin, often mistaking these changes for acne, sunburn, or dermatitis.
2. Relating to, or belonging to the Rosaceae, a family of flowering plants typically having white, yellow, pink, or red five-petalled flowers: "The rosaceous groups include roses, strawberries, blackberries, and many fruit trees; such as, apples, cherries, and plums."
2. A set of small beads used primarily by Roman Catholics for counting a series of prayers.
2. Overly optimistic or viewed favorably; cheerful and bright: Helena's son had a roseate feeling after he completed his final exams at the university.
3. Etymology: from Latin roseus, "rosey, cheerful."

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"Initial symptoms of roseola include a high fever that normally lasts for three to five days, a runny nose, irritability, eyelid swelling, and tiredness."
"When the fever of the roseola goes away, a rash appears which is primarily on the face and body."
"Most members of modern groups designate themselves as Rosicrucians, including those of the Ancient Mystic Order Rosae Crucis."