pyo-, py- +

(Greek: pus; purulent, an infection or foreign material that causes a thick whitish-yellow fluid which results from the accumulation of white blood cells)

arthroempyesis (s) (noun), arthroempyeses (pl)
The formation of pus in a joint: Donald's doctor used a long needle to extract the arthroempyesis which had developed in the structure between the bones in one of his knees resulting from an old sport injury.
A culture made from purulent (pus) exudate (fluid) in which various cells, including the phagocytes, are still viable or alive.
biopyocultured (adjective), more biopyocultured, most biopyocultured
A reference to the preparation of pus with living cells which were developed for medical purposes.
1. A purulent discharge from the lacrimal sac.
2. The discharge of tears mixed with pus.
1. Purulent inflammation of the lacrimal drainage system.
2. A suppuration of the lacrimal sac and duct.
empyema, pyothorax
The collection of pus in a body cavity; especially in the pleural cavity (the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest).
The collection of pus in the anterior chamber of the eye.
Otorrhea (discharge from the ear) that is purulent (composed of pus).
Suppuration (formation or discharge of pus) within the ear.
physopyosalpinx (s) (noun), physopyosalpinxes: physopyosalpinges (pl)
Pus and gas in a fallopian tube: The condition of physopyosalpinx refers to pyosalpinx, a distention of the fallopian tube with pus, along with the formation of gas in the affected area.
An accumulation of pus in the scrotum.
The presence of pus in the stool or feces.
Pus in the vagina.
Bacterial pus for medicinal use.
Any purulent (associated with the formation of or caused by pus) skin disease or lesion.

Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); puro- (pus); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).

Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; puro-; pus-; pustu-; suppurant-; tum-; vesico-; vesiculo-.