puro-, puru-
(Latin: pus)
2. A symptom of being purulent (containing or forming pus).
2. A fluid product of inflammation; such as, pus.
2. The generation of pus; also, the pus itself.
2. Relating to, containing, or consisting of pus.
3. Containing, discharging, or causing the production of pus.
Sputum is the mucus and other matter brought up from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea that one may cough up and spit out or swallow.
An exudate is a fluid rich in protein and cellular elements that oozes out of blood vessels due to inflammation and is deposited in nearby tissues.
The altered permeability of blood vessels permits the passage of large molecules and solid matter through their walls. The vessels seem to weep, to "sweat", in keeping with the Latin exsudare, to sweat out, from which exudate is derived.
It is distinguished from suppurative inflammation by the lack of necrosis of fixed tissues, and is exemplified by the exudate often occurring in the common cold.
Word families with similar applications about: "decay, rotten; wasting away; putrid, pus" word units: phthisio- (decay, waste away); pus (viscous fluid via an infection); pustu- (blister, pimple); putre- (rotten, decayed); pyo- (pus; purulent); sapro- (rotten, putrid, putrefaction, decay); sepsi- (decay, rot, putrefactive); suppurant- (festering, forming or discharging pus); tabe- (wasting away, decaying).
Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; pus-; pustu-; pyo-; suppurant-; tum-; vesico-; vesiculo-.