puls-, pulsi-, -pulsion, -pulsive
(Latin: push, beat, strike, knock, drive; drive to, force toward)
1. A driving or running towards; approach; energetic motion toward a point; an impulse; also, the act of striking against.
2. The near approach of one celestial body to another on the celestial sphere, as in occultation (blocking of light, radio waves, or other radiation from a celestial source) or conjunction.
2. The near approach of one celestial body to another on the celestial sphere, as in occultation (blocking of light, radio waves, or other radiation from a celestial source) or conjunction.
appulsive (adjective), more appulsive, most appulsive
1. A reference to an energetic motion toward a point.
2. A descriptive term for the act of striking against something.
2. A descriptive term for the act of striking against something.
appulsively (adverb), more appulsively, most appulsively
Referring to something striking against or driving towards an object.
A desire or feeling that a person has that he or she must do something; an irresistible inclination to do or repeat an activity: Richard, an international traveler and explorer, described his compulsion to visit far away places as something he could not resist and he frequently felt a compulsion to climb the highest mountains wherever he went.

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Tom's doctor described him as having a compulsion to repeatedly wash his hands even when they were clean.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
compulsive (adjective), more compulsive, most compulsive
compulsively (adverb), more compulsively, most compulsively
compulsorily (adverb), more compulsorily, most compulsorily
compulsory (adjective), more compulsory, most compulsory
1. Referring to something that is required, demanded, designated, or enforced by an authority: Long ago, the city made compulsory education a policy for all the children up to the age of 15 who lived there.
2. Etymology: from Latin compellere, "to compel".
2. Etymology: from Latin compellere, "to compel".
1. The act of suspending someone from an institution or activity on a temporary or permanent basis as a result of bad or poor conduct: Larry’s parents were very upset when they received notice that their son's bad behavior towards his classmates in school resulted in his expulsion for a week from the school.
2. An occasion of officially forcing a person to leave a nation, mainly because of breaking the rules and regulations or for political reasons: Ted's country decided on the expulsion of the diplomats after having severe issues with their governments.
3. The procedure of forcefully pushing something out of the body or out of a container: Jack was very sick and after the expulsion of the contents of his stomach, he felt much better.
2. An occasion of officially forcing a person to leave a nation, mainly because of breaking the rules and regulations or for political reasons: Ted's country decided on the expulsion of the diplomats after having severe issues with their governments.
3. The procedure of forcefully pushing something out of the body or out of a container: Jack was very sick and after the expulsion of the contents of his stomach, he felt much better.
Maxine had too many old messages in her e-mail server which were overloading it; so, she spent a great deal of time making expulsions which made it possible for her computer to function more efficiently.
expulsive (adjective), more expulsive, most expulsive
idiorepulsive (adjective), more idiorepulsive, most idiorepulsive
Self repelling.
A spontaneous and unplanned decision to do something: Sam had the impulse to quit his current job and to go to work with a different company for better pay.

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A powerful desire to do something: Raymond felt an impulsion to sing and dance throughout the night because he was so happy that Jane wanted to marry him!
impulsive (adjective), more impulsive, most impulsive
A reference to a person or people making a quick decision to do something without proper
consideration of the consequences: The impulsive teenagers jumped into the swimming pool fully clothed.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
impulsively (adverb), more impulsively, most impulsively