(Greek [psittakos-] > Latin [psittacinus-]: parrot)
2. Of or belonging to a parrot or to the parrot family (parrots, parakeets, macaws, and pudgerigars); figuratively, parrot-like.
2. An acute or chronic respiratory and systemic disease of wild and domestic birds, caused by infection with Chlamydia psittaci.
It was originally seen in psittacine birds and is transmissible to humans and other animals; also known as, chlamydiosis.
It may also be acquired by handling feathers or tissues of infected birds, through an open skin lesion, or from the bite of an infected bird.
It may be asymptomatic, have mild influenza like symptoms, or manifest as a severe, highly fatal pneumonia; also known as, parrot disease or fever and ornithosis.
A medium-sized parrot of the genus Psittacus, native to Africa. They are primarily grey, with accents of white.
Some of their feathers are very dark grey and others are a lighter color of grey. They also have red or maroon tails; depending on the subspecies.
They feed primarily on nuts and fruits, supplemented by leafy materials.