pseudo-, pseud-
(Greek: false, deception, lying, untrue, counterfeit; used as a prefix)
Giving false credit for a piece of writing to an author who did not do the written work.
1. A false or imaginary sensation, as in a limb that has been amputated: In her reports, Dr. Conroy described several cases of pseudesthesia among her amputee patients.
2. A sensation that is felt without any external stimulus, or a sensation which does not correspond to the stimulus that seems to cause it: Just watching the film about giant ant hills made Mildred experience pseudesthesia, or physical feelings as if she were being bitten by the ants.
2. A sensation that is felt without any external stimulus, or a sensation which does not correspond to the stimulus that seems to cause it: Just watching the film about giant ant hills made Mildred experience pseudesthesia, or physical feelings as if she were being bitten by the ants.
A person who pretends to be a physician on the basis of some self-acquired knolwledge.
pseudo (adjective), no more , no most; so, not comparable.
1. Descriptive of someone whose pretences are deceitful; not genuine: Tim's neighbor was a pseudo expert in gymnastics.
2. A reference to something that appears to be one thing, but is something else: The cloudy skies turned out to be a pseudo indication that it was going to rain.
3. Etymology: from Greek pseudes, "false, lying."

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2. A reference to something that appears to be one thing, but is something else: The cloudy skies turned out to be a pseudo indication that it was going to rain.
3. Etymology: from Greek pseudes, "false, lying."

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A compound that is not itself an acid but which exists in equilibrium with, or is easily converted into an acidic form and thus undergoes some typical reactions of acids: In its free state, a pseudo-acid is an organic compound and doesn't have the arrangement of an acid.
In the proximity of bases, pseudo-acids slowly go through a new molecular movement and produce salts.
pseudoaesthetic (adjective), more pseudoaesthetic, most pseudoaesthetic
Descriptive of a false awareness or a sensation of something: While walking in the cactus garden, Mark experienced a pseudoaesthetic feeling of itchiness, as if he’d been stuck by the cactus spines.
An agglomeration of particles in solution that does not involve antigen-antibody combination: Pseudoagglutination occurs with red blood cells that are grouped together resembling a rouleaux or a roll of coins.
1. A condition in which a patient can copy writing, but cannot write except in a meaningless and illegible manner.
2. Partial agraphia in which one can do no original writing, but who can copy something correctly.
2. Partial agraphia in which one can do no original writing, but who can copy something correctly.
A nervous disorder resembling angina: Pseudoangina consists of slight chest or breast pain, usually with pallor (unhealthy-looking paleness of complexion) followed by cyanosis and coldness or numbness of the extremities.
Cyanosis is the bluish discoloration, referring especially to such discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resulting from an excessive concentration of reduced hemoglobin in the blood.
A loss of appetite because of distress which follows or accompanies eating.
A person who is not a real enemy or opponent: Jack was not really Sam's antagonist in the story, but the pseudoantagonist, Sam's friend and ally, and just played the part of Sam's rival.
False interpretations and/or presentations of the interrelations of biological, cultural, geographical, and historical aspects of humankind.
The false support of the idea that a government should not support the church.