psepho-, pseph- +
(Greek > Latin: pebble/pebbles, stone/stones; election; vote)
To cast one's vote with a pebble, to count, reckon; from small stone, pebble [used in counting or voting]. Pebbles were used in ancient Greece for casting votes, and so psephos came to metaphorically mean, "vote".
isopsephic, isopsephism
Of equal numerical value; said of words in which the numerical values of the letters (according to the ancient Greek notation) made up the same amount; from iso-, equal + psephos, pebble, counter.
A decree enacted by a vote of a public assembly, especially of the Athenians.
psephite, psephitic
A conglomerate composed of pebbles or small rounded stones.
The form of government that results from an election by ballot; representative government: In comparison to a democracy, psephocracy does not have a demotic involvement in the political procedure beyond the elections themselves.
An elected ruler, or an adherent or supporter of government by election.
A machine for the automatic recording of votes.
psephological, psephologically
Referring to, characterized by, or descriptive of the study of voting or elections.
A political scientist who specializes in the study of elections; an electoral analyst or commentator.
1. The study of voting patterns.
2. The study of public elections, and statistical analysis of trends in voting; loosely, the prediction of electoral results.
2. The study of public elections, and statistical analysis of trends in voting; loosely, the prediction of electoral results.
Divination by taking pebble from a heaped in a pile: Psephomancy involves small smooth rounded rocksis which are distinguished by certain characters, and put as lots into a vessel, which, having made certain supplications to the gods to direct them, they drew out and, according to the characters, conjectured what should happen to them.

Someone who uses stones or pebbles to divine or foretell the future: Judy's father said he was an expert psephomantist who could prophesy the future of his friends just by using small smooth pebbles!
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