proter-, protero- +

(Greek: former, earlier, older)

Having the male flowers mature before the female.
Having the female flowers mature before the male flowers.
The condition of having ripe pollen before the stigma is receptive.
Having the styles of a flower mature before the pollen ripens.
proterandrous, proterandry
1. In botany, having the stamens or male organs mature before the pistil or female organ.
2. In zoology, a hermaphrodite animal; or a colony of zooids, having the male organs, or individuals, sexually mature before the female organs.
A condition of a plant in which flowers open before the leaves appear.
proteroglypha, proteroglyphous
A venomous snake belonging to a group characterized by grooved fangs in the front of the mouth.
1. In botany, having the pistil or female organ mature before the stamens or male organs.
2. In zoology, of a hermaphrodite animal, or a colony of zooids: Having the female organs, or individuals, sexually mature before the male.
Proterozoic (proper noun)
The older Paleozoic faunal epoch, the age of primitive invertebrates: The Proterozoic marks the beginning of the Phanerozoic, between the Archean Eon and the Cambrian period, where rocks accumulated, oxygen buildup took place, and early forms of soft-footed animals came into being.