prostato-, prostat- +

(Greek: one who stands before, in front of; refers primarily to the prostate gland [so named because it "stands before" the mouth of the bladder])

bacterial prostatitis
A form of prostatitis caused by bacterial infection, usually from a urinary tract infection, with bacteriuria.

Acute bacterial prostatitis is a febrile illness with sudden onset; pain in the lumbar and perineal regions, dysuria with frequency of urination, urgency, and nocturia urination; a tender, swollen prostate; and other symptoms.

Chronic bacterial prostatism is a mild condition caused by recurrent urinary tract infections with bacteriuria and other variable symptoms; such as, pain and dysuria, but rarely with fever.

cryoprostatectomy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Destruction of the prostate gland by freezing and utilizing a specially designed cryoprobe: In medical school, Joe learned about cryoprostatectomy as being a method in surgery to destroy the prostate gland.
galvanoprostatectomy, galvanoprostatotomy
Partial excision of a hypertrophic prostate by use of galvanocautery (cautery effected by a knife or needle heated by the passage of a galvanic electrical current).

Hypertrophy is the enlargement or overgrowth of an organ or part of the body due to increased size of the constituent cells, as in hypertrophic prostate.

prostatalgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the area of the prostate gland: Bladder or kidney stones, a biopsy, an injury to the pelvis, and a urinary catheterization are just three causes of prostatalgia.
prostatalgia, prostatodynia (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pain in the prostate; some authorities limit usage to pain of unknown origin, such as that seen in nonbacterial prostatitis: Prostatalgia is a type of inflammation of the prostate which is not a result of bacterial infection and in which there are no objective findings, such as the presence of infection-fighting cells, in the urine of men who suffer from the disease.

Prostatodynia is typically a chronic, painful disease. The symptoms (including chills, fever, pain in the lower back and genital area, body aches, burning or painful urination, and the frequent and urgent need to urinate) characteristically go away and then come back without warning.

The urine and fluid from the prostate reveal no evidence of a known infecting organism or of cells that the body usually produces to fight infection.

Apparently treatment is ineffective. Therapy with antibiotics and with drugs that relax the muscles of the prostate gland is often attempted and fails.

prostate (s) (noun), prostates (pl)
1. A gland within the male reproductive system that is located just below the bladder: Chestnut shaped, the prostate surrounds the beginning of the urethra, the canal that empties the bladder.

The prostate is actually not one but many glands, 30-50 in number, between which is abundant tissue containing many bundles of smooth muscle. The secretion of the prostate is a milky fluid that is discharged into the urethra at the time of the ejaculation of semen.
2. Etymology: from Middle French prostate, from Medieval Latin prostata, "the prostate" from Greek prostates, "prostate (gland)", from prostates "one standing in front", from proistanai, "set before", from pro-, "before" plus histanai, "cause to stand".

Herophilus, a Greek anatomist and surgeon

Herophilus c.335-c.280 B.C., born in Chalcedon, was the founder of the Alexandria school of anatomy.

The origin of the name prostate is rather strange. The word is from the Greek prostates, "to stand before". The anatomist Herophilus called it the prostate because, as he saw the situation, it "stands before" the testes.

    He was—
  • one of the first to conduct post-mortem examinations.
  • the first to dissect the human body to compare it with that of other animals.
  • credited with describing the brain, liver, spleen, sexual organs, and nervous system, dividing the latter into sensory and motor.
  • the first to measure or time the pulse, for which he used a water clock.
Chambers Biographical Dictionary, Chambers Harrap Publishers, Ltd., 1997.
Merriam Webster's Biographical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 1995.
prostatectomy (prahs" tuh TEK tuh mee, prahs" tuh TEK toh mee)
Surgical removal of the prostate or of a part of it.

The operation may be performed through an incision in the perineum or external region between the scrotum and anus (perineal prostatectomy), into the bladder (suprapubic prostatectomy), or through the urethra (transurethral prostatectomy, TUP)

Ulceration of the prostate.
Pertaining to the prostate.
prostatism, prostatisme
A symptom complex resulting from compression or obstruction of the urethra, usually due to benign prostatic hyperplasia.

There are both obstructive and neurological symptoms, including diminution in caliber and force of the urinary stream, hesitancy in initiating urination, inability to end it (with subsequent dribbling), a sensation of incomplete bladder emptying, and occasionally urinary retention.

Pertaining or referring to prostatitis.
Inflammation of the prostate gland.
prostatocystectomy, cystoprostatectomy
The surgical removal of the urinary bladder and prostate gland.
Radiography of the prostate.
Prostatic calculus.