prim-, primi-, primo-
(Latin: first, chief, foremost; of first rank)
primordially (adverb), more primordially, most primordially
Relating to that which has been a part of the earth since the beginning of time: The archeologist, Mr. Havilland, stated that the recent discovery of fossilized bones suggested that the animals had been primordially buried in the tar pit.
We should realize that the oceans, the air, and lands have been primordially existing before animal and plant life.
1. A common European wood-lands plant which produces pale yellow flowers in the early spring: Jan's Aunt Alison, a country gardener, planted primroses along the path leading to her the back of her house.
2. Etymology: from late Middle English primerose and medieval Latin prima rosa, "first flower".
2. Etymology: from late Middle English primerose and medieval Latin prima rosa, "first flower".
primrose (adjective), more primrose, most primrose
Descriptive of the color typically associated with certain flowering plants that are pale yellow: Jenny wanted to paint her bedroom a lovely primrose color in order to create a bright and sunny room.
1. A relaxed way of living or of pursing pleasure that will lead to problems later: The central government was leading its citizens down a primrose path when it said the coastal towns were ready for the severe winds and rains that were predicted. The resulting high floods caused a great deal of damage to homes and other buildings because there was no preparation for such storms.
2. A life of pleasure or the easy way out of a hard situation: To lead people down the primrose path is to deceive them into thinking that things are taken care of and that there is nothing to worry about.
2. A life of pleasure or the easy way out of a hard situation: To lead people down the primrose path is to deceive them into thinking that things are taken care of and that there is nothing to worry about.
Primum vir esto. (Latin motto)
Translation: "First, be a man."
Motto of Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas, USA.
Primus inter pares. (Latin motto)
Translation: "First among equals."
Motto of Columbus College, Columbus, Georgia, USA.
pristine (adjective), more pristine, most pristine
1. A reference to being in or belonging to an original status: Bert's car is ten years old, but it is still in pristine condition with no rust or dents anywhere!
2. So clean and neat as to look as good as new: The house was in pristine condition, because it has been completely renovated; so, the couple decided to buy it.
3. Pertaining to not yet being ruined by human encroachment: Close to where Mike lives, there are some pristine forests that have not been harmed by loggers.

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2. So clean and neat as to look as good as new: The house was in pristine condition, because it has been completely renovated; so, the couple decided to buy it.
3. Pertaining to not yet being ruined by human encroachment: Close to where Mike lives, there are some pristine forests that have not been harmed by loggers.

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1. An act of censure or criticism, a dressing down, a correction given to draw attention to and to change someone's behavior or action: Mr. Carston, the butler, gave a reprimand to the servant who forgot his white gloves which was deemed essential for working in the dining room.
2. Etymology: from Latin reprimenda, "that which is to be repressed."

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2. Etymology: from Latin reprimenda, "that which is to be repressed."

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reprimand (verb), reprimands; reprimanded; reprimanding
To speak in an angry and critical way to someone who has done something wrong: Mr. Johnson, the supervisor, reprimanded some of his staff for talking too much and not completing their assignments.
A person who is responsible for correcting or rebuking the actions or behaviors of others: Part of the job description of the school principal, Mr. Dean, was to be the reprimander of students who misbehaved in class or on the school grounds.
Si vis me flere dolendum est primum ipsi tibi. (Latin quotation)
Translation: "If you wish me to weep, you yourself must first feel grief."
Horace, in Ars Poetica, explaining to writers that emotion must be felt in order to be conveyed successfully in words.
subprime (adjective) (not comparable)
A classification of borrowers with a tarnished or limited credit history: Lenders will use a credit scoring system to determine which loans a subprime borrower may qualify for.
Subprime loans usually carry more credit risks, and so, they result in higher interest rates.
A loan offered to an individual who does not qualify for a normal loan at the "prime rate" because of his or her credit history: If a lender thinks that there is an above-average risk involved in giving a loan to a certain individual, chances are likely that the lender will offer the borrower a subprime loan, which has an interest rate "higher than the prime rate".
The subprime rate offered by a lender may be different depending on the lending institution.
A class of property that is used by borrowers who have low credit ratings: Borrowers who have subprime mortgages generally do not qualify for loans with lower rates because they have "damaged credit" or no credit history, and so they are considered untrustworthy by lending institutions.
Since the default risk for poor credit borrowers is greater than for other kinds of borrowers, lenders will normally charge a higher interest rate for subprime mortgages.