pogo-, pogono-, -pogon

(Greek: beard; referring to a beard or beard-like structures)

pogonion (s) (noun), pogonions (pl)
In craniometry, the most anterior point on the mandible in the midline; the most anterior, prominent point on the chin; mental point.
pogonip (s) (noun), pogonips (pl)
1. Dense fog of suspended ice particles; an Indian word for the formation of frost on trees but not on the ground; from, Shoshone pakenappeh (or some other American Indian language) which means "white death".
2. Pogonip, or "ice fog", results in a phenomenon called "hoarfrost", which is a deposit of interlocking ice crystals on objects exposed to cold, foggy air. Dazzling winter scenes are revealed as tree limbs, leaves, fence wires are coated with the ice.

Is it possible that the pogo in "pogonip" refers to "beard"? Take a look at these pictures and see if you think they resemble hair-like structures resembling whiskers or a beard.

Extensive research can't confirm such a view, but to state that "pogonip" comes from an American Indian word, pakenappeh which means "white death", doesn't make any linguistic sense. Etymologically, what connection does the Greek pogo element have to do with the Native Indian pakenappeh?

Pogonip on a leaf.
Pogonip grass.
Pogonip landscape.

pogonocheilus, pogonochilus
With bearded lip.
pogonodes (adjective), more pogonodes , most pogonodes
From the beard-like tuft of tentacles; said to be a different spelling of pogonophora.
pogonological (adjective), more pogonological, most pogonological
A reference to the study of beards.
pogonologist (s) (noun), pogonologists (pl)
1. Someone who specializes in the subject of beards.
2. A barber who is a specialist in styling beards.
pogonology (s) (noun), pogonologies (pl)
The study of beards.
pogonomania (s) (noun), pogonomanias (pl)
An excessive desire to have a beard or an obsession with seeing men with beards.
A genus of ants that attack humans and small animals; also known as, "harvester ants" (bearded ants).

A genus of harvester ants that are economically important in agricultural areas of the United States and Mexico because of the numerous low, bare mounds they construct, which reduce vegetation for grazing animals.

They have a painful bite which can be seriously poisonous when they attack animals or humans in large numbers. Some species serve as intermediate hosts of helminths. It is believed that various pathogens may also be passively carried by these ants.

pogonopathia (s) (noun), pogonopathias (pl)
Tenderness (rash?) that comes from having a face covered with a beard.
pogonophile (s) (noun), pogonophiles (pl)
Someone who loves beards: Mr. Smart was very fond of the whiskers on his chin, and even tried a goatee, but he liked the way he had it before with just some stubble.
pogonophilia (s) (noun), pogonophilias (pl)
A special attraction to or fondness for beards or those who have beards.
pogonophobia (s) (noun), pogonophobias (pl)
An animosity of beards or of men wearing beards: Mr. Jackson always had to shave his face everyday because his wife had pogonophobia and wanted his face to be soft and smooth and never prickly with short hairs!
Pogonophora, Pogophoran (s) (noun); Pogonophoras, Pogophorans
1. Any of various wormlike marine invertebrates of the phylum Pogonophora that grow in upright chitin tubes, usually at great depths in the various seas off continents and large islands.
2. Pogonophorans have tentacles that are often featherlike, or like hairs of a beard, which are attached to the head region or anterior end. An intestine is present in the embryonic stage but it disappears as the animal matures. 3. A phylum of wormlike, sedentary marine animals that lack a digestive tract, possess a body cavity (coelom), and bear one to many fringed tentacles at the anterior end.
4. Commonly called "beard worms" because of their tentacles, pogonophores are long and slender, ranging in length from four to twelve inches, with a diameter up to one-tenth of an inch in larger species.