plum-, plumi-, -plume +
(Latin: feather)
A hornlike tuft of feathers on the head of some birds.
1. The removal of feathers from a bird.
2. To deprive of feathers; to pluck.
3. To strip of honor, wealth, etc.
2. To deprive of feathers; to pluck.
3. To strip of honor, wealth, etc.
1. A hairlike feather having few or no barbs, usually located between contour feathers.
2. A feather with a slender scape (stem-like) and without a web in most or all of its length.
2. A feather with a slender scape (stem-like) and without a web in most or all of its length.
1. A pseudonym adopted by an author instead of his or her real name: Sally Jones uses the nom de plume of Katherine Hastings for the novels that she writes.
2. Etymology: from French nom, "name" + de, "of" + plume, "pen" (or "feather").

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2. Etymology: from French nom, "name" + de, "of" + plume, "pen" (or "feather").
The "pen" part comes from "feather" from which pens were once made.

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pennoplume, pennopluma
A feather or semiplume.
A feather.
plumaceous (adjective), more plumaceous, most plumaceous
Referring to a feather-like structure: The plumaceous decoration on Sandy's hat resembling a pluma was quite spectacular with brilliant colors!
1. The entire clothing of a bird: The plumage consists of the the ordinary feathers, or contour feathers, that cover the head, neck, and body. The tail feathers are those with their upper and lower coverts.The wing feathers include primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries, feathers with their coverts. The down lies beneath the contour feathers.
2. The covering of feathers over a bird's body The plumage may vary with the age of the bird or the season of the year, and accordingly it may be described as breeding plumage, winter plumage, or juvenile, immature, or adult plumage.
In detailed descriptions of the external feathers (topography) of birds, standardized names are normally used for the various sections of the plumage, for example "malar region" and "tail coverts".
The "malar region" refers to the cheek, defined in birds as the area in front of, and slightly below the eyes.
The "tail coverts" are the small feathers covering the base of the tail. They are grouped as upper and lower tail coverts.
A reference to a plumula.
plumarius (s), plumari (pl)
Of or belonging to soft feathers.
1. Resembling, having, or producing feathers.
2. Resembling a plume or feather.
2. Resembling a plume or feather.
1. A feather developed for the purposes of display, being long and showy.
2. A feather; especially, a soft, downy feather, or a long, conspicuous, or handsome feather.
3. An ornamental tuft of feathers.
4. A large feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament or symbol of rank; such as, those worn on a helmet.
5. A structure or form that is like a long feather: "It rose like a plume of smoke."
6. In ecology, a space in air, water, or soil containing pollutants released from a point source.
7. In geology, an upwelling of molten material from the earth's mantle.
2. A feather; especially, a soft, downy feather, or a long, conspicuous, or handsome feather.
3. An ornamental tuft of feathers.
4. A large feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament or symbol of rank; such as, those worn on a helmet.
5. A structure or form that is like a long feather: "It rose like a plume of smoke."
6. In ecology, a space in air, water, or soil containing pollutants released from a point source.
7. In geology, an upwelling of molten material from the earth's mantle.
A small plume or tuft.
Tar and feathers.
A spicule (small spike) with plume-like tufts.
Related "feather, feather-like; soft down, plumage" word units: penna-; pinni-, pin-; pterido-; ptero-; ptilo-.
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