pleio-, plei-, pleo-, pleon-, plio-

(Greek: more, most; full; excessive; multiple)

Don't confuse this element with another pleo- unit meaning "swim, sail, float".

pathopleiosis (s) (noun), pathopleioses (pl)
A tendency to magnify the importance of one's disease: Because of her eye illness Jane couldn't see properly anymore, and used this as an excuse to have her husband read the newspaper out loud to her, although she could read the online version very easily herself. This method that Jane used is termed pathopleiosis.
1. An area of high barometirc pressure.
2. An isobar of high pressure.
Excessive chlorides in the urine.
Having more cycles than usual.
A condition in which there is more than one nipple on the mamma or a breast.
A condition of having more than the normal number of mammae or breasts.
pleiomorph, pleiomorphous
The occurrence of several distinct stages in the life cycle of an organism.
1. Exhibiting polymorphism at different states of the life cycle.
2. The ability to assume different forms.
pleion, pleionian
A region of positive departure (increase) from the normal of any element; such as, pressure, temperature, rainfall, etc.
The habit of exagerating one's own importance.
Having an abnormal number of petals.
pleiophylly, pleiophyllous
A condition of an abnormal increase in the number of leaves growing from a certain point, or in the number of leaflets of a plant.
In botany, having more than the usual number of spores.
pleiotaxy, pleiotaxis
1. In botany, the condition whereby there are more than the usual number of flora whorls, as with "double" flowers.
2. Having more than the normal number of parts.
In botany, having more than the usual number of chambers or receptacles.

Lists of Pleonasms and Tautological Redundancies may be seen here.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": copi-; exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; plethor-;
poly-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.